Garden Transformations

I absolutely love watching our garden come to life each summer. Basil that flourishes, bright red tomatoes and deep green peppers . . . each plant brings great happiness to our summer season.

But there is nothing in our garden that makes me as happy as our sunflowers.

Did I tell you about our sunflowers this year?

Last year we grew our sunflower plants from seeds, and were rewarded with some of the most beautiful flowers imaginable. As we do every fall, we cut down all the plants in October and prepped the area for a harsh Chicago winter. However this winter wasn't quite as hard as expected, and we had a much warmer March than ever before. At some point this early spring, our garden came back to life . . . on it's own.

We thought they were weeds at first, but the plants looked a little too familiar and much to kind to be nasty old weeds. So, we waited them out just a bit, to see what they might turn into .

Here is a photo of the garden in mid-May. At this point, Phil had cut down about half of the sunflowers. (We needed some room for our tomatoes and peppers!)

You can see the height of the sunflowers already . . . they were almost 4 feet tall at that point.

Now, one month late . . . the sunflowers have grown far beyond the 6 foot fence. While enjoying some time in the back yard yesterday, I saw the first sign of our flowers . . . peeking out at the very top of the plant.

I had to go in for a closer look . . .

Closer . . .

Oh, maybe from this angle . . .

Nope, let's move again . . .

Just moments ago, the view from our kitchen table tells me that a few more of our yellow friends have opened up . . .

Oh, it's a lovely summer . . . don't you think?


  1. So very lovely!! What a BEAUTIFUL flower garden!!

  2. These are amazing! What a great surprise to see these growing this year. They are "as high as an elephant's eye." I love how sunny they look.

  3. Your garden is so neat and orderly, so green. I love it.

    We had an amazingly big sunflower - if you look at the "A Maman In" page at the top of my blog, just under the header, you'll see the kids holding it. Huge.

  4. OOH - Wonderful! I'm so happy! Don't you just love that you notice all of these things?? You actually have time to notice them!

  5. Leanne, I enjoyed so much reading about your garden. These days I have enjoyed my backyard for the first time in almost 20 years living here. I was missing so much joy out there. So happy you can enjoy it along with your lovely family. I also read the post about the 18 y/o girl. We are loosing so many young people these days. Here in PR we lost a few this weekend and it hurts so much. I wish I could do something to stop that and I am always worried about my sons. They are all grown ups and had make good decisions but that does not make me feel less afraid that someone could harm them. Same as you, I keep praying and praying. Hugs!!


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