The Sounds of Summer

We spent the afternoon in our back yard today . . . in our little happy donut ring pool . . . playing little happy games of water volleyball and Marco polo. It was a wonderful time, and one that we really needed for all the souls of our little home.

Phil is home this weekend. We are feeling better than ever right now, talking and listening, listening and talking (it's amazing how much actual communication can do for a relationship), and we are really enjoying our time together. I love days like today.

Suddenly, the faint music of the local ice cream truck was heard in the background, and Katie and Ella went into full blown ICE CREAM attack mode.

"P-LLLLLLLEEEEEEEASE? Can we PLEASE have ice cream?" they asked.

It might surprise you to know that I am one tough momma when it comes to the ice cream man. We don't often partake in his delicious treats, because he usually comes right before the dinner hour. And as you can imagine, if the ice cream is eaten, the dinner is usually not.

But today, I had to give in. It was too perfect of a day not to have it include ice cream.

Off the girls ran, screaming for the ice cream man to stop, as Phil grabbed his wallet and quickly followed behind.

I stayed in the pool. Listening to the sounds of summer.

I do think the ice cream man's truck is one of the very best sounds of summer. Today, his melody was carried along with a warm breeze between houses, and it brought an instant smile to my face. I closed my eyes, rested my head on the soft edge of our pool, and listened for other summer sounds as they played.

The soft hum of our air conditioning unit in the distance . . .  a sound of comfort in heat filled days.

The buzz from the bumble bees flying around our sunflowers in the garden.

The bark of a neighbors dog who was certainly requesting his own favorite ice cream flavor.

A lawnmower, a car horn, the trickle of water from our pool filter, and laughter . . . the laughter of children who were just given their absolute favorite treat.

I love the sounds of summer . . . especially today.

Here's wishing you wonderful sounds, where ever you may be.



  1. Love that when you slow down, you can hear so many of the tiniest sounds.

    But, Leanne, you know I rarely "hate" things because it's such a waste to hate. But I hate those ice cream trucks. 1) why do they come by before dinner, 2) why is their ice cream any better than the stuff in my own freezer, and 3)why should I have to listen to that gawd-awful music for blocks and blocks???

    Yes, she/he's a small business person. But one that annoys me beyond explanation. Okay, so maybe I don't hate him/her.


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