My 601 Baby

I had one of those "Mom" moments last week. You know, when you find yourself watching your child and you suddenly are so overcome with emotion that tears start flowing, uncontrollably, down your cheeks.

Of course, this happened to me while I watched Katie during her swim lesson. I mean, it's an emotional time, right? No . . . I don't think so.

But right there. Poolside. At our local Lifetime Fitness. That's when it hit me.

As she listened so attentively to her instructor, and grasped the butterfly stroke with such ease and finesse, I sat there . . . bawling my eyes out . . . like a baby.

Because somehow, somewhere, at some point in the past 9 years, this little baby became a girl. And she is . . . amazing.

I don't know how it happened. I mean, I remember bringing her home and those first few sleepless months, thinking that this was the hardest thing I've ever done. And don't get me wrong, it isn't easy . . . being a parent. It is hard. But I clearly remember feeling like I was going to have a baby . . . forever. Like I would never sleep through the night again, and like I was forever going to be changing diapers and burping babies, and that any resemblance of the life I once knew was over.

But, it's not true. That didn't happen. Because last week, I sat there watching this . . . baby . . . as she mastered something that her mom was never really good at, and I thought to myself, "Oh, my God . . . how is this happening? She is so . . . BIG. She is so . . . BEAUTIFUL. She is so . . . AMAZING. How did this happen? Where was I when all of this . . . happened?"

Of course, after the session Katie and her instructor came up to me.

"She is doing so well!" the instructor said. "I want to move her up to the next level - she picks up these strokes so quickly and is really a fantastic swimmer," she told me. "Next week, we'll move her up to level 601."

"601?!?!?!" I wanted to say, "you can't move her up to 601! She's just a baby. Shouldn't you put those little arm floating things on her, and keep her in the shallow end of the pool? I mean, what are you doing here? Look at her, she's just a baby."

I wanted to say all of that. Loud and clear.

But, I didn't. Instead, I looked over at my baby, who was beaming, and said, "that's WONDERFUL!!"

Baby, you'll never know just how happy you have made me.

I thank God, every single second of every single day, for sending you to me.

My 601 Baby.



  1. You must be so so so proud of her.
    Way to go..that is a big accomplishment!

  2. Oh Leanne,

    You have such a beautiful heart and you share it with us so eloquently. I totally understand your emotion here. It's wonderful that you recognize this fleeting time and the beauty of your daughter moving forward in life.

    I feel so blessed to have gotten to know you as a blogging buddy!


  3. Beautiful post:O) They grow so fast and they mke us soooo proud:O)

  4. I asked Katie on Saturday how she got to be such a good swimmer, and she just kinda shrugged and took it in stride ... no conceit, no sense of the magnitude of her accomplishments and gifts. She's so sweet, so amazing!

  5. Oh Leanne...your little girl is growing up but what a beautiful girl she is!! That is soooo wonderful she is moving up.

    I tell you I have been having those same moments where I just look at my kids and start crying. My babies will be out of the house soon and it is weird. Jackson graduates this year and has already found an apartment with 2 friends. I can't believe it!! I look at pics of him and I just don't know where the time went.

    Hold your babies soon (sooner than you think or want) they will be young adults!!

    Love ya, friend!!!

  6. What's so wonderful is that the adoration we have of them never, ever stops. No matter how old they are! Isn't that great!

    Congrats, Katie, on making 601!

  7. OOH.. That's a BIG deal. Congrats to her.. and to you (for surviving it all!)

  8. Oh Leanne - your children are truly the best of you both
    hugs and congrats to Katie!


  9. Isn't it amazing how quickly that go from baby to young lady? We have to cherish every minute!

  10. WOW! So proud of her! My daughter is 8 and very far from the butterfly (but with 2 swimmer parents, I hope she'll pick up a thing or two).


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