Katie: My "As Seen On TV" Junkie

So, these spring blooms have been kicking the allergies (for all of us in this house) into full gear. So NOT fun! And while Zyrtec D gave me some relief (for a day or two), today I found myself returning to the Red-Eyes Syndrome I like to call, "I just watched Steele Magnolias, Terms of Endearment and Bridges of Madison County Red-Eyes." BUMMER!

I'm not the only one in allergy hell lately. . . poor Katie Girl is, too. Yep, she is. It's bad enough for an adult to go through allergy nightmares, but extra rough for a 6 year old. She's a trooper, though. Getting by one day at a time.

The past two nights she woke from her sleep with little bouts of coughing fits. Not fun for her. Each night it seemed the only relief she could find would be on the couch in the family room, nebulizer in hand, and Tom and Jerry on the TV.

That's when I first realized that our Katie . . . is an "As Seen On TV" Junkie. Yep, she is. And boy oh boy, are we lucky she doesn't have a credit card!

I first realized this a couple nights ago, when she found herself facinated with this . . .

In her defense . . . what lover of all things good and yummy would not find this the perfect pan? I mean . . . check out that frosting covered top! Absolutely YUMMM!!!

Then, there was the blender/juicer/smoothie maker . . . the MAGIC BULLET!

She was particularly interested in this one because her daddy, our beloved PG, makes us smoothies all of the time, and she thought this would be the PERFECT addition to his smoothie making skills. What I enjoy most about Katie is that she can, in detail, describe the full function of these little "As Seen On TV" finds, and really SELL them to me. After listening to her tell me about them, I'm thisclose to pulling out the credit card and ordering 10 of them. THIS is a dangerous thing! (I've held back so far . . .but she is really that good!)

I knew her heart was in the right place, after a commercial for this beauty came on . . .
Instead of suggesting it for her Grandma C (who had a knee replacement last year and has spent lots of time discussing her surgery with our Dr. Katie), Katie decided that we should purchase this for our neighbor, Gus. Gus, whose backyard is right up against ours, must be approaching 80 years of age (if not older). He is an avid gardener, and we've enjoyed is beautiful plants, flowers and veggies for over 6 years now. But we've all noticed how this spring Gus is not moving as well as previous years. Last night, Katie looked at me and said, "Mom . . . this scooter would really help Gus. We should buy it for him, and he could roll around in his backyard as he does his gardening." Of course, my mind went to the vision of Mr. Gus scooting around his lawn . . . and I laughed. But shortly after that I realized that my little Katie has such a good heart. She is concerned for Gus . . . truthfully and honestly . . . and this was her way to help me.

Yes, it was in that moment that I was reminded how good this girl is. And how, even when watching her "As Seen On TV" commercials, she thinks of those around her and tries to find ways to help them. And if that doesn't make a Mom happy at 2:23 AM, then I don't know what will!


  1. Oh she sounds like a sweethear! Unlike Lil Red who just wants me to buy the stuff on t.v. that will enrich her life! ;)

  2. What a doll!! Truly a sweet little soul. Thinking of others. And at 2 in the morning no less:)

    My daughter Em wants that cupcake thingy, too!!

    Thanks so much for your kind comment today on my blog, Leanne. You are the BEST!!

  3. The Magic Bullet is the best invention ever!!! We use it every single day. In the morning for my protein pancake, and then in the evening for our fruit smoothies. :)

    Hope you all feel better at your house. Allergies are no fun.

  4. That's our Katie Girl! She has the BEST heart!

  5. Sorry the D isn't working like we'd hoped!!
    Gotta love KJ's good heart!! Part of her being an old soul and remembering (a.k.a. feeling) what others are going through. I'm guessing she's got big plans for our world!!


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