A Letter

Dear Mother Nature,

Hey old friend! It’s been a few months since I’ve last written, and I’d like to start out by thanking you so very much for calling it quits on that crazy winter we were having. Shortly after my last note to you, the snow stopped and the cold temperatures gave way to what I believe were some of the most beautiful days I’ve ever seen. I was thrilled when we finally got those Christmas lights off of our house (and I'm pretty sure the neighbors were happy about that, too.)

However, as a result of those beautiful weather days I mentioned above, I now have a new problem that I could use some of your help with. I know, I know. It seems I only come around when there is a “problem.” I do appreciate you so very much. Please know that I often sing your praises to the “Big Man” upstairs, and regularly thank him for all that you give to us.

But, my newest request is kind of a big one . . .

You see . . . with this gorgeous spring you are giving us, have come some absolutely horrific allergies. Yes, horrific... and I’m not even exaggerating. You see . . . my eyes look like two red bouncy balls - you know, the ones that my kids get from those vending machines in the grocery stores (you know, those vending machines that are so nasty and that I hate the thought of the girls even touching them?). Still, I have the red eyes. Now, it would be ok to have these red eyes if, perhaps, the new Twilight movie just came out. I could say I am really into the books & movies and wanted to be on Team Edward! However, the movie is not out yet. So, the red eyes are not fun! And I don’t think I’ve worn any make-up for weeks (which is, quite frankly, a horrific site on its own.) Oh, then there are the tears. Not tears of sadness. Not tears of joy. These are allergy TEARS. The kind of tears that causes people to ask you, "Are you ok? Are you crying?" when really it's just that darn garden hose that is attached to my eyeballs has been left on for weeks. Augh. Oh, and not to forget . . . the puffiness. Oh, yes, the puffiness. I look like I took a visit to one of LA's finest plastic surgeons, only instead of injecting botox in my lips, he missed and hit my eye lids instead. The other day, my dearest hubby (PG) looked across the kitchen table and said, “Oh, honey. I’m so sorry for you . . . you are a mess!” and he was right. So, M.N., lend a girl a hand, will you?

Now, I honest to goodness don’t mean to be ungrateful. My magnolia has never bloomed as beautifully as it did this year (I even wrote about it in my blog). And our grass is already looking like a lovely carpet suitable for a king. But, dear Mother Nature, I’m having a really hard time. . .
I would be oh-so thankful if you would possibly consider giving us a little break from the pollens and allergens in the air. I’m not sure what options you have . . . but I’m pretty desperate here.

As always, I thank you for your time and hope you will take into consideration all that I have written. You are so lovely, Mother Nature. But I could really use your help right now. . .

With Love,


  1. LOL! Cute letter...I do feel bad for you though. You know I have been so blessed...never had allergies. Oh, maybe a bit here and there but nothing major.

    Thinking about you and wishing you and your family a lovely weekend. Feel better!!!!


  2. Ain't it the truth? Taking the good with the bad, I guess. Hope you get to feeling better soon and mother nature reads your sweet letter!

  3. Cute! If I were Mother Nature I would certainly grant your request!I'm heading out there now for my walk and it's WINDY here. My walking buddy and I took our allergy meds last night so will see if they work.

  4. P.S. My friend Linda is wanting the same thing. Thanks.

  5. Allergies are no fun! But I love your Twilight reference! Lol. Hang in there.

  6. Allergies are awful! I'm one of the lucky ones that are immune, but I agree with your post. Mother Nature has been acting odd recently!

  7. HA! Leanne, Make sure you get 2 of whatever she gives you so I don't have to suffer either! ;)

  8. Hey Leanne! I'm dropping by to let you know I gave you a Sisterhood Award today on my blog! Congrats!


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