A Random Thinking Moment

My dear friend, Cindi, wrote a post today that seemed familiar to a thought I had just the other day. You can read Cindi's post at her blog, "So, That's Why", here. Cindi shares that she received a strange email from Linked, advising her to connect with someone she may know. That someone was a dear friend of hers who passed away last year. It's a chilling message, isn't it? For something like that to just happen.

Reading her post reminded me of one of those "Random Thinking" moments that I fell into the other day. You know those moments, when your mind just goes from one subject to the other rather quickly, with little similarities from thought to thought that somehow connects together like a large spider web.
I can't even remember how the whole thought started . . . but I know that by the end of it, I was thinking about my wedding reception.

I started to think about the people who have passed away since that night, and how, if I could do it over, I would spend that night sitting with those people and talking to them longer. (Isn't that strange? Why I would choose that particular night to focus on these individuals?) I don't know what it is, but I wish I could be at a table there again, the happiest day of my life (at that point) and see my Auntie Alice, my Auntie Sylvia, Phil's Grandma, my Grandma, my Dad sitting with me. I would just love to see them. Feel them. Hear them. It's so strange.

Call me cooky, but I am a firm believer that our loved ones send us messages when they are gone. It's what I need to believe in order to get a handle on the whole finality of death. I commented on Cindi's blog that perhaps the email she received was somehow her friend letting her know that he was still here. I think my Dad and Grandma send me little signals to let me know I'm not alone. What do you think? Have you ever received a sign? I'd love to know . . .


  1. Most definitely! "Angels at Work" as I always say. To me, it's very comforting when I get the little messages from my angels. Things like I could be looking high and low for a pen, and it ends up being in a little vase my aunt gave me, where I NEVER put pens. It's not at all spooky to me. Only comforting. I think it's their way of telling you that you don't need to be at the table to talk to them. They are right beside you and will listen. Thanks for posting, Leanne. You have started my day with fond memories.

  2. I HAVE received messages. When my Dad was in his final stages of leukemia he promised us to send us a sign from Heaven. I took him seriously!! He died the day after Father's Day {yes, that was awful} and that week I stayed with my Mom going through his things and just trying to process it all.

    So that weekend {may have been a Friday not sure} my husband drives out to get me...we are about 20 miles from our home when it starts pouring down rain. The sun is shining yet it is pouring. We are driving along when all of a sudden my DH and I see it at the exact same time. DH pulls over on the highway and we both jump out of the car. Think of that moment in Jurassic Park when they both see the dinosaurs for the first time...just like that.

    Anyway, across the road, in a corn field was a rainbow, the whole rainbow. A perfect rainbow. That rainbow was AMAZING. And I can't explain it...we just felt my Dad's presence. The rainbow was a sign from him...that everything was okay. He was okay and that we would be okay. I had never seen a complete rainbow like that before.

    I took 2 photos of it and created a scrapbook page. That moment still has a profound effect on me.

    Thanks for your thoughts on this today, Leanne!! I appreciated this memory.

  3. BTW...I put a link to your blog here today http://www.thetamom.com/2010/04/inspirational-writers-inspirational-bloggers/comment-page-2/#comment-22047

    {theta mom}

    I was supposed to give them a blog link to someone who inspires me:)

  4. I'm not supposed to be on the computer but the kiddos are off doing their own thing right now so thought I'd sneak by and say hello!

    I think loved ones are all around us once they've passed. I believe in Guardian Angels. ;) Love the wedding photo, such a sweet moment captured!

  5. Yes, I believe our love ones are always watching over us. I try to set aside time to meditate everyday, because I feel we can't get inspired from the other side if our lives are too chaotic.


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