WHAT did she just say????

Yesterday. . . I heard it all.


From the mouth of Ella.

You know Ella. My beautiful little Ella. . . . my darling little three year old. . .

I love this picture of her. She is just so lovely, isn't she? Yes, she is.

But . . . don't let that fool you. She is lovely . . . and she KNOWS IT. Ella is at that lovely age in toddlerhood of wanting WHAT SHE WANTS, WHEN she WANTS it. You know that age, right? Age 3.
Yesterday afternoon we went grocery shopping with my mom, Grandma C. Overall it was a fairly successful shopping trip (no outbursts or tantrums - no falling to the floor like a wet noodle - no fits or fights - so, yes, I would say it was a VERY successful shopping trip.) Because everyone behaved, we make a quick run through the Starbucks drive-thru for coffee, and chocolate milk for Ella, afterwards. All was good. The birds were singing. We were all happy.

Then . . . . WHAM . . . Ella finished her milk. To most of us, this would not be a big deal, right? I mean, most of us would accept that the milk was gone and that was all, right? Well . . . not to a 3 year old. As I drove, Ella decided she wanted juice.
"Mom, I want some juice."
"Oh, you just finished your milk, Ellie. And I don't have any juice here. So, sorry, honey. No juice."
"Mom, I want some juice."
"Ella, Mommy told you - I don't have any juice honey."
"But I want some juice!!"
"I don't have any juice, Ella. Mommy is driving the car. We do not have any juice in the car, Ella."
"I want some juice!!!"
"Ella, please . . ." and in my very BEST "Jo from the Supernanny" voice, "Stop this behavior right now. Mommy told you I do not have any juice. Now, ENOUGH!"

"Grandma, call the Policeman. Tell him that Mommy is being mean to me!"
And that was it. "Call the Policeman. Tell him that Mommy is being mean." From my 3 year old.

Oh boy - we better look our for this one - nothing is going to stop her!!!! And don't worry - if something trys to stop her - she'll just call the Policeman. She's got it all figured out.
That's MY girl! ;)


  1. and one day she'll be leaving parking tickets on that policeman's windshield! You've got a sweet firecracker there, Mom!

  2. Seriously, would we expect anything else for Ms. Ella??! Shame on you, Mom, for not carrying three kinds of juice, iced and ready for her latest whim!!!
    Ahhhhhh....such a little sweetie!!! Next time tell her you're driving her right to the police station to tell them SHE is being mean to you!!

  3. Very funny! I think that if she could have managed to make that call the police's response would be "a good mom is sometimes a mean mom".

  4. Smart little chica you have on your hands! Saw your bio on TMC and as a chaos dweller and happiness seeker, I had to come by. Thrilled I did!

    Happy Saturday!

  5. Something tells me the police officers would not last long under her direction. They'd send her back to you soon!

  6. CUTE!! I remember that age! Oh my gosh I forgot your little girl's name is Ella. I love that name! I named one of my doodles Ella! She's not as cute as yours though!

  7. Oh my goodness!!! That is to funny!! It always amazes me what our children pick up!! Oh and by the way Lil Red is still having trouble with "what she wants when she wants" and she's 9!!!! I think I need to call the super nanny! ;)

  8. Wow! So amazing what the world looks like to them :)

    Stopping by to welcome you to SITS!


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