Looking for earache cures ... do you have any?

Hi friends - PG and I were up most of the night with that adorable babe I wrote about yesterday. Although this time there were no offers to call the policeman from either parties.

This time, we had an earache. (Well . . . Ella had the earache. Why is it that when our child is sick, I refer to whatever their ailment is with "we" instead of "she"? Must be that parental force that makes you want to take away whatever it is that is causing them pain and swallow it up for yourself. God . . . isn't it the worst thing in the whole entire world when your child is in pain? Seriously. . . not a good evening for her. Poor Baby.)

So, I'm looking for suggestions . . . what do you do when your child has an earache (and it's in the middle of the night and the pediatricians office does not open for another day?) I just spent about 10 minutes looking for remedies online. To my surprise, many involve garlic and onions. I want to ease her ear pain . . . not make dinner. (Can't get a handle on those garlic and onion methods.)

I'm thinking the ER might be in our future. Will keep you posted! And do me a favor and throw some "Good Ear" thoughts our way! Thanks!


  1. So sorry to hear that! Ear aches HURT!!! Sorry I don't have any words of wisdom but I am sending good thoughts your way!


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