R.I.P. Ugly Betty

For 4 years I've watched you . . . and have enjoyed every minute.
Yes, you were unrealistic. Yes, sometimes your storylines left little to be desired. But you ALWAYS made me smile. I loved your style - the bright vivid colors of the clothing, set and characters. I loved the silliness! And I loved how week after week I could sit down and let all my worries fade away as you entertained me. I didn't have to be reminded of real life.
When watching you, I'd drift into your little Betty World and
would always leave with a happy heart.

The moment those big mean network people moved you to another night, you never had a chance. I knew our future would be shortlived. I held on, praying for some sort of miracle to save us. But, it never came.

Tonight, you will become another "oldie but goodie.
Tonight, I thank you for the joy you have given.

A toast . . . to Bushy Brows and Betty!
May you never be plucked again!!


  1. So sorry. Though I never watched it, I know what it's like to lose a favorite show. It's like losing a friend. Sigh. I need a life!

  2. Bummer! I never watched the show but I hate it when a favorite gets canceled!!

  3. I was sad too to see them go too. I'm now looking forward to the return of Drop Dead Diva.
    Wishing you happiness, Katherine

  4. Isn't gorgeous!!?! You'll be the first to know when it's done!! ;)


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