We Made It!

Airfare from Chicago to New York for four = thousands of miles + $100

Rental Car = $150

1 night at the Hilton Garden Inn = $160

Being able to spend time with this little birthday boy = PRICELESS

Introducing the Birthday Boy himself
(and the newest 1 year old in Staten Island)

Our SURPRISE weekend to celebrate his birthday was a HUGE success!!!! We arrived at the restaurant at around 12:30pm, and the minute my sister-in-law saw PG, she burst into tears. Our arrival was met with such happiness, that I new in that very second this was so important to her. I'm so glad we did it. The remainder of the weekend was spent laughing, hugging, tickling, kissing and having an all out LOVEFEST over this little guy.

I forgot how amazing 1 year olds are - how they explore everything and how they observe and take it all in. I forgot what the patter of hands and knees crawling around the floor sound like. Or how it's really the only time you don't mind having another human being drool on you. Even though Ella is only 3 years old, I forgot how BIG she really is, and how little a one year old is.

And even though I get to talk to his Mommy often, I forgot how much better it is to see your family face to face.

We had a fantastic time this past weekend. We laughed alot. Cried a little. Almost missed our return flight home (that's another story). And most of all . . . we had an adventure that Ellie and Katie will remember forever. That's a pretty great life! Can't wait to tell you more about it later! Missed you all . . . now I'm going to read some of YOUR blogs! Talk to you soon!


  1. So glad your surprise worked and what a cutie! Sounds like you had a good time!

  2. Yea!!! So glad to hear it went well. And the girls really will remember this...whisking off to NY for a mere 24+ hours? How cool is that??? Yes, it was a good plan!!

  3. So cute!!! I almost spit my drink on the computer when you said "it's the only time you don't mind when someone drools on you"
    To funny! Glad you had a great mini vaca!

  4. I am so happy your weekend was great. I thought about you!!! What a sweetie you are, Leanne!!:)

  5. Leanne!! You crack me up! I know the feeling- I'm OLD too! Btw, when did it happen??? It just came out of no where! One day I was walking along minding my own business in my 20's and then BAM!


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