101010 Project: Kelly Thiel

Our 10 Women, 10 Businesses, 10 Question Series continues today with the incredible and extremely talented Kelly Thiel. Lord, if Kelly would have seen the ceramic nailpolish bottle I did in my high school art class, she would have certainly question my artistic abilities. Luckily, I buried my love of clay right after that class.
Please join me in welcoming

Kelly Thiel
Name of business:
Kelly Thiel Studio

The hardest part about pursuing a dream is…
all the evil demons whispering in your ears about doubting yourself and your art. And then, there are the nay-sayers in your circle of friends and family, and they don’t always give you the strength and support you need.Sometimes you feel awfully alone, and it is wonderful if you can find a friend who shares your entrepreneurial spirit.

The other challenge for me is the balance.I have a baby and a preschooler, so my attention is divided between my family and my business.Some days, I feel super motivated to work, but then I am needed elsewhere.I want to be present in my time with my girls, but thoughts of work often creep in, if I’m not careful. To be successful in work and in motherhood is a constant juggling act for me.

Kelly's Bio: An artist and a mother of two young girls, Kelly Thiel lives in South Carolina, USA creating award-winning clay and bronze sculptures, as well as doing art journaling and mixed media paintings. She just finished building a new studio at her home, and is dying to log some real hours in there! Kelly is doing her best to live life to the fullest and enjoy each day, with her art and her family.

Kelly's Social Media Links:

Years in business: 10 years

To view all 10 questions and find out more about
the 101010 Project: CLICK HERE


  1. I love what she says here. It's that balance that is so important and being fully there for each part of our lives.

  2. Thank you, Bossy Betty!!
    And now I'm dying to see that ceramic nail polish bottle :)

    Have a great day!!

  3. Oh yes, the juggling act of many jugs that just plain hit the floor ... But Kelly I am so impressed in all you do with a baby in tow!

  4. I need to go see her work. Love it that she is pursuing her dreams!

  5. Those little whispers have always been my enemies as well my friend! I'm hoping we've finally beat them!!! I'm in your corner girl. ;)

  6. oh, those evil demons, especially when you aren't feeling the support you need from your friends and family. you have to stay true to yourself. and oh, that balance issue...so glad to be hosting that question on my blog! it's my biggest challenge!


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