One Final 101010 Post: A Recap

I can't believe my 101010 Project is done. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I have to tell you my little background story of how I became involved in 101010.

Sometime in late March, I believe, I saw a post on my facebook "Flying Lessons" group page from friend, Robin Norgren, asking for 10 women who are interested in working on a project with her. Robin's post read:
  • So I have an idea about a blog hop. Maybe 10 people who blog regularly and are getting ready to launch something. We could pick a topic and then it would run in various forms on each other's blog and expose our new products to each of our audiences. What do you think? Any takers?
I happened to be online and in our group page when Robin's post came up. I immediately responded with a comment telling Robin I was interested, and I think within the next hour or so, she had 10 confirmed artists, plus a whole bunch MORE who also wanted to participate.

All of a sudden, a pit hit my stomach. What are you doing? I thought. You are in no position to be offering any opinion of a creative business. What makes you qualified to be a part of this group? All those fears and doubts talking in my head.

I sent Robin an email, telling her I didn't think I should do it . . . that perhaps I was too "new" and wouldn't have enough to offer. She replied . . . it was completely up to me, but that I shouldn't worry. I should do whatever I felt right doing.

So, I didn't worry.

And I decided to kiss my fear good-bye. I mean, how hard could it be, right? Of course I would have things to add to the discussion, don't you think?

So, I stayed and kept my spot for the first 10 Women, 10 Businesses, 10 Questions Project. And I loved every minute of it! In case you didn't have a chance to find or read all of my responses to the questions, I thought I'd share them with you here. Here are my 10 answers to the 10 questions asked . . .

1. Collaborations: a good idea?   "If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships - the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace." - Franklin D. Roosevelt.  And so my belief goes . . . are collaborations a good idea? Most definitely YES! From music (Lennon & McCartney) to dancing (Astaire & Rogers),  ice cream (Ben & Jerry) to computers (Hewlett & Packard), the list of amazingly successful collaborations is long and wide. I am a strong believer of strength in numbers, and any time two creative souls gather . . . I am certain great things will come of it. My most successful creative endeavors have been born out of idea bouncing and feedback that I have received from another.  Setting responsibilities and boundaries are so important in the process. But once established, the sky is the limit. Anyone interested in collaborating? Call me! ;)
2. Success in business is defined as . . .  I'd love to say that success in business has only to do with following your dreams, and nothing to do with maintaining financial independence while doing it . . . but I wouldn't be honest if saying that. In a perfect world; I would be able to sit in a studio from sun up to sun down, painting my heart away, as little blue birds flew in and out of my house, tending to the dishes, laundry and children. Of course, money would grow on the trees outside of my little studio and I would simply GIVE my art away to the hundreds lined up outside my door, as "selling" would be of no concern.  However, life is not always perfect. So, to my realistic creative soul, success in business is being true to my artistic thoughts and ideas, being able to produce and create my work, and selling my art to others in a manner that will offer greater financial stability to my family and myself. All while maintaining a healthy balance between my life and my art. Yep. That, to me, would be success.

3. The hardest part about pursuing a dream is . . .  Clearly, for me, it is turning off the voice of doubt within myself. That voice has played in my head often in my lifetime. What's most interesting to me, is that I am not a low self-esteem sort of person. When it comes to almost all parts of my life, I am full of confidence. However, when really "putting myself out there" with my art, I become the most vulnerable I have ever been. With that vulnerability, comes this unending doubt of . . . Can I really do this? What makes me think I can really do it? What makes me more special than the next to actually do this? I've said many times before that I am my own worst enemy. Pursuing my dream . . . is requiring me to completely separate myself from those voices of doubt and just . . . DO.  Something I am still learning each and every day. DO.

4. The hardest part at year 2 of your business is . . . I'll let you know when I get there. ;-)  Yes, if you see my bio above, you know that I am a newbie in this creative business life. While I participated in the Flying Lessons of 2010, it has taken me a little bit longer to wake up and "smell the coffee".  As I slowly approach year two, I imagine the hardest part will be finding balance to create vs. running the business part of things. Even now I find myself struggling with moments when I'd love to just sit and paint and create, but know that there is some business to tend to. The creating has to take a back seat. And, keeping it all straight on the business end. Yes, I'm fairly certain that will be my challenge. Time will tell .  .  .  

5. What color describes your business?  When I first read this question, I thought "easy peesy!" But the more I looked at the color wheel, I felt drawn to so many of the colors out there. Trying to narrow an artistic person down to one color is quite a challenge. The color RED is represented widely in my studio, as bookshelves and frames and accent pieces here or there. Red gives off a great energy and inspires me to take chances and be BOLD in my work. However, I must choose YELLOW as the main color to describe my business . . .  Bright and sunny, and full of creative energy.  Yellow is said to stimulate mental processes and encourage communication. Much of my art has to do with inspiring and encouraging, and I can't think of a better way to encourage communication with others. "Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the sun." - Pablo Picasso

6. In rapid fire fashion, write down 10 words that describe your business. Share your thoughts on these words.   HAPPINESSDREAMS, COLORFUL, INSPIRING, UPLIFTING, VIBRANT, SAFE, MOTIVATING, HONEST, KINDNESS. Words. So powerful. It is my wish that my words will bring happiness to those who read them. It is my wish that my art always add a colorful and vibrant energy to those who see it. It is my wish to put out into the world all that is safe, that is honest, that is uplifting and kind. It is my wish to inspire and motivate others by the things I say and do.  It is my wish that my art and my words will remind people of the dreams within their own hearts.  It is my wish that I can help others have faith in the spirit of those around them, and help them be reminded of the truest potential within themselves.  My business has a long way to go to get to this, but I believe that by reminding myself of these words each and every day, I can reach it.

7. What would you consider the 'favorite' mistake in your business? I have to say that one of the my 'favorite' mistakes was learning to listen to my creative heart and know that you can't force it. If you don't feel it . . . you shouldn't do it. Time and time again I found myself truly FORCING myself to produce. FORCING myself to create. I think most creative souls would agree that creativity often comes in spurts. Sometimes you have so many creative ideas that you feel them bursting from your seams. Other times, you might be empty . . . without a single thought in mind. It's ok. Forgiving yourself and allowing yourself these moments of 'rest' are so important. It is ok to leave it for a while, when you need to. Forcing the art might be a big mistake, and one that ends up taking more creative energy from you than you realize.

8. The "balance" question - what does this mean for you and how is it working for you?  Balance . . . Augh. Does that answer how it is working for me? In all seriousness, balance is a challenge for the people who want it all - a family, their own business, a soul filled life. And me? I'm one of those people. I worked for over 25 years in healthcare, the last eight of those years were spent as a mother, too. During my time as both a full-time employee and a mom, I felt like I was not meeting the needs of either roles (my job and my children). Now that I am no longer in healthcare, I have had much more time to devote to my children during these early years when I feel they need it most. However, finding time for my new creative business is a challenge. Having a supportive partner in life is huge, and learning to accept help from others is another key (I gave up trying to be Wonder Woman long ago. I mean, I love the outfit, but it never looked quite right on me.) So, I say 'no' to things when I have to. I say 'yes' to help when I really need it. And I'm learning more and more the importance of having a schedule and sticking to it. Family time is family time. Business time is business time. And God willing, I'll continue to be right there in the middle of them both.

9. What do you need to STOP DOING in your business? Questioning and internalizing everything . . . and then . . . stalling. I truly, like so many others, am my worst enemy. I need to stop listening to the voices that tell me "I can't" and only focus on those that tell me "I CAN!" I need to believe in my goals, in my abilities, and move forward. A dear friend of mine always says, "If you aren't going to help me, then get out of my way so I can get the job done!" , and she truly exemplifies that in all that she does. When I look at the past, I find I have wasted a great deal of time in the "what if . . . " stage. My goal for this next year? To STOP looking in the paste, and focus on moving forward to the *bright yellow* future.

10. Who is your business muse? Like many dreamers and "flyers" from Kelly Rae Roberts "Flying Lessons" e-course, I would be amiss to not mention Kelly Rae Roberts as my business muse. For years I have followed her presence online and watched as she was lead by her inner voice to a world of success. She continues to expand her business by leaps and bounds, and I am in awe the work, dedication, and success she has with Kelly Rae Roberts LLC. In addition, I find myself a great admirer of the business of Teahouse Studio and Mati Rose (and partners). Teahouse Studio is a dream to me, I only wish I lived closer so I could move in! Mati's art is so whimsical and bright, it makes me smile each time I see it. I love what she has done with her business. But there are so many more out there who have done it, and each time I stumble upon a new business and artist who inspires me, I soak up all the positive energy I can and tell myself, "You can do this, too! Just . . . DO IT!" My wish for us all . . . that we ALL do it!

Thank you, again, for allowing me the past 10 days of 101010. It has been such a great experience for me, and I am so glad that I didn't listen to those doubting whispers in my head, and just DID IT!!! I'm on my way, friends!!!

101010 will continue, starting June 15th, with a whole new set of questions and artists. Here is a preview of what is in store with the next group:

If you missed some of the soulful goodness that has been shared, make sure and head over to the blog the holds ALL THE DETAILS on the project: CLICK HERE


  1. What a WONDERFUL project....I glanced over your answers with intentions of coming back...time is tight today. I did read every bit on your WORDS that describe your biz though...and yes...I agree. I love your art!! It makes me HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. Leanne,
    I love that you reposted all of YOUR answers to the questions. I wish I would have thought of that! Good luck in taking the next step in your creative business. I look forward to staying in touch!


  3. I had so much fun getting to know you through this project! I've definitely found a new blog friend. :-)


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