Note to Self: I am not Italian

If the Good Lord wanted me to try and pull the hot, just melted mozzarella cheese (sticking so perfectly to the piece of foil that I just pulled off of the steaming hot zucchini lasagna that my mother-in-law made us for dinner), he certainly would have made me Italian.

I am not Italian.

The Italians would have certainly let the cheese sit there . . . for just a little bit . . . until it cooled down. yes, the Italians would have known that.

Not Me.

But I do realize I have a good life. I am unemployed. My mother-in-law made us dinner. I am able to focus 100% on starting a creative biz. I have the luxury of sleeping well after the 5:30AM that I used to wake up at just 8 short weeks ago. I am taking myself on a creative adventure next week . . . alone . . . and will be spending 4 days thinking about nothing but my creative life. Today Ella and I ate lunch outside on a picnic bench, because we could. Just her and me. And because of all of this, I was able to sign up as HEAD room parent for Katie's class this year.

Yes. I have an incredibly good life.

I know it.

I am so blessed.

And the Good Lord just reminded me . . . as I burned the top of my tongue on that melted, gooey, savory cheese that was calling my name . . . . you heard it, right? "Pssssst . . . Leanne . . . shhhhhhhh . . . come here . . . a little closer . . . see this cheese . . . you can take just a bit off the top . . . no one will know . . . and it won't hurt a bit . . . "

Ah, well. . .

It was totally worth it.

Peace, my friends. Peace.


  1. I'm so happy you are enjoying your time off. Everything happens for a reason, we just don't know it at the time. Enjoy the time you have off with Ella that time is so precious. BTW I am Italian and I cannot resist the melted cheese either, I would have done the exact same thing you did..hehehe

  2. I've just recently discovered your blog and you are an inspiration! I'm looking forward to following your new journey!!! :-)

  3. I love that you can enjoy this time so much! And, if I saw that yummy looking dish in front of me, I would not have been able to resist it's ooey, gooey, goodness either.

  4. Oh, doth that look goodth!! (Yeah, that's my burned tongue voice)
    You needed to have this time to do what you are doing, my friend. You are on your way!!!!!!

  5. M Italian...and I would have done it...heck I may have licked my computer screen too ;)
    Your mind and soul are in a good place friend. Love it.

  6. Delicious! This looks so good! I am so happy that you are finding all the good stuff about your new life. You are finally able to breathe and work on your creative talents! You are so creative my friend! Soak it all in! Enjoy your extra time to sleep, be with family, be with friends and most of all to be with you! Have a great day! Thank you for your kind comment! It made me smile.

    Mama Hen

  7. I just stopped by to say hi! Have a great night my friend!

    Mama Hen

  8. Every time I get behind on your blog I never know which post to read because all the titles look as tantalizing as that cheese!

    I love that you have this life now. It suits you.


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