My Philosophy

So, I had a great conversation with my friend Dawn yesterday afternoon about . . . life. As with any conversation about life . . . it was a long one. And as I started to delve into my personal philosophy, I began to think that this would make a good blog post.

So, here goes it.

Before we begin, I should say that Dawn is a pretty cool person. I've known of her for years, but only recently began talking to her on a more regular basis. She has a great energy that is very motivating, so conversations with Dawn usually leave me feeling quite up beat. Dawn is a single mom, raising two great kids. She has spent the past 10 years (at least) holding various roles with home demonstration companies (direct sales), and most recently began taking bigger steps in leadership programs. I believe her long term goal is to begin some sort of life coaching and leadership company (which I can easily see her doing). While we were talking, Dawn mentioned how she sees such a need for stronger mentors for women in their 20's, and how she sees a big gap in this area.

I told her that I didn't need a mentor in my 20's. Well, let me rephrase that. It's not that I didn't need  mentor in my 20's. I probably didn't think I needed one.

Here is My Philosophy on three decades in this life I am living so far . . .

In my 20's, I knew it all. I knew where I was going. I knew how I was going to get there. And no body could tell me any different. My teachers were unrealistic. My boss was stupid. My parents didn't have a clue about life. My friends . . . well, in my 20's, they were probably the only ones who I thought had any idea about what I was going through. . . my friends, that is, and Oprah. Because in my 20's, Oprah knew it ALL. Yes . . . that was in my 20's. Those sure were the days.

In my 30's, I was surviving all the decisions and things I did in my 20's. By this time, I realized that my boss had a direct connection to my bank account (no happy boss = no happy pay day.) And my Mom became "Mommy" again, as buying a home and having children made frequent calls to my parents more prevalent. In the 30's, the fact that Oprah knew it ALL started to annoy me. Yes . . . that was in my 30's. Those were the days.

Now, I am in my 40's, and I want desperately to find out who I really am. In my 40's, all of the things that I thought were important in my 20's and 30's just don't matter anymore. So many of the dreams I had back in my 20's mean nothing . . . the dream house, the dream car, the clothes, the trips . . . all materialistic propaganda that really have little to do with my spirit or the person I am today. I'd give anything to sit and talk to the teacher I dismissed in my 20's, for I am certain there is much I could learn from them. And I find I am far less concerned with where I am going and much more content with where I am right now in life. Yes. My 40's. These are the days.

It's interesting to look back on the past 20 years and see how much I've changed and how my out look on life has changed. I wonder what you'd see if you thought about your life.

Oh, and here's a little quote . . . from Ms. Winfrey herself. (I thought it would be fitting . . . ) ;)

Darn . . . she's pretty good, eh?

Wishing you Peace, my friends.


  1. Amen, amen, amen, amen. Sharing on FB.

  2. For the record...I hate oprah.
    But I get this. We transform so much in our lives with each stage and experience.
    Always changing and adapting ;)

  3. Okay, I'm going on record as saying I don't like Oprah either. Long story, not worth telling.

    LOVE this post. As I read it, I found myself wondering if there was anything more I could add, and...I can't. Well, except that I could probably add some perspective on the next decade. But I sure couldn't do it justice the way you have here. You have nailed it, my dear! And as much as I don't like Ms. O, she does come up with some good quotes. Do you think she writes her own material?

  4. Great post Leanne! I was nodding through it as I can associate with the mind shift from your 20s to 30s. 40s are just round the corner for me, and I'm sure I am going to shift with them too!
    Life is a constant evolution...

  5. Oh yes, Leanne. You have written such a great post here. Guess what? The discoveries just keep coming the the 50's as well!

  6. I read this yesterday then again today...makes me want to do a post like this, too...just so I can really think about where I've been and where I am now. I was a huge Oprah worshipper in my my 20's, too;)

    Your friend Dawn sounds pretty cool. {my middle name is Dawn-LOL}

    Have a wonderful day, girl!

  7. You wouldn't be the fabulously wonderful, cherished friend that you are without the experiences you've had as well as those you've rejected and then, perhaps, learned from. Your journey has made you a most special person ... :)

  8. Great post Leanne! I could see myself in so much of this. But you know what? I still love Oprah :)!


  9. Great quote my friend! Yes, this journey is a growing experience. I was thinking the other day how I had so many dreams and such a passion for changing the world in my teens and my twenties. Here in my forties I wonder where that incredible strength and gusto went. I have been in a lot of physical pain over the past 8 years or so. It can be very draining. My heart and mind still want to head out and change the world, but my body and daily responsibilities remind me that I need to focus on the here and now. I love that this journey teaches us so many things. It is important to learn from each decade and move forward in a positive way. I was just talking with my best friend last night and felt so uplifted from the conversation. I think it is so great that you have a friend that lifts you up. I hope you are doing well! Have a great day!

    Mama Hen

  10. Yeah, that is a pretty awesome quote.


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