
Tonight I am feeling a plethora of emotions, and have nothing witty or exciting to write about - but just thought that if I sat down and wrote a little about what I am feeling, I might just be able to work through some of this. . .

I feel completely and totally distressed (emotion #1) about my Ella. She has been sick for about 4 weeks now, and I've had her at the doctor a total of 5 times. It first started as the croup. Then she was bit by something on her inner leg and developed a bad reaction to the bite. Then this allergy she was battling from the bite turned into a really BAD rash. Then the antibiotic she was taking started to cause another reaction to the first reaction and she developed an ever WORSE rash that has been spreading, off and on, for a few days. After another trip to our pediatrician (who I absolutely respect, cherish, and trust whole-heartedly), we've been told that this really is a virus that is working through her system. Our physician has decided to discontinue the antibiotic and start all over with a new stronger allergy medication, steroid, and anti-itch skin creme. The poor thing. She goes from completely fine, to completely broken out in a matter of 10 minutes, and her emotions are on as much of a roller coaster as mine (believe it, or not). The doctor has assured me that this is by all means NOT life threatening and we will most certainly work through this. But I have to tell you, I feel in a constant state of worry for her and think I'll continue with those feelings until she is clear and free from this virus. Keep her in your thoughts, OK?

I am also completely and totally disgusted, disappointed, bummed and in shock (emotions # 2, 3, 4 & 5) over some recent activities that have taken place on Facebook. When I started on FB, I was introduced to a group of grade school friends who started a FB group for what FB is meant to be . . . a means to socially network and to simply reminisce about "the good ol'days". Sounds like fun, right? A "non-formal Reunion" was planned, memories were written about good times in the school, discussions ensued over who was the best teacher. It was all fun. Harmless. Innocent. Then . . . all of a sudden . . . someone posted something absolutely insulting, appalling and downright evil about an individual the rest of us all respect, adore and admire. To make a long story short - the "non-formal Reunion", which was to take place later this month, has been canceled - as comments on FB went from insulting to honestly . . . threatening. And all of a sudden, it turned awfully scary. Not to me, directly. However I was able to read all the things written and quickly decided that I truly have enough drama in my life - I don't need any more. Thus is my decision to turn facebook off for a while - and break away from this most recent scenario. But my emotions about what took place are so very real, and this is really bothering me. Not because the reunion was canceled - but because of what one particular person said, and how it was said with such complete and total hatred. It scares (emotion # 6) me to have been witness to this strong written anger. It bothers me, terribly.

I am also feeling, on a positive side, very cleansed (emotion # 7) tonight. While trying to erase emotions 2-6 from the universe today, I finally spent some time organizing the girls rooms and closets in preparation for Fall. This project may sound like a simple task - however if you saw the closet prior to today, you would understand why the completion of it is a "cleansing", you would also understand how I was able to bring 6 BIG bags of clothing to Goodwill this evening and why I am in the midst of doing 5 loads of laundry. I'm very lucky to have 2 girls, that are 3 1/2 years apart. Ella is receiving a whole new (to her) wardrobe this fall - thanks to Katie. So many things still had tags on them, so really - it is a NEW wardrobe. Phil helped this morning by bringing down 11 bins from our attic, and I truly spent 8 hours today going through these bins and sorting through mounds of clothing for their next destination. I also realized that I don't think I did this major overhaul and organizing of their closets for 2 years (thus the reasoning for it being such a huge task). Let me tell you - the closets and drawers in each girls room would make you proud.

So, there you have it. My plethora of emotions, in 734 words, described as: distressed, disgusted, disappointed, bummed, in shock, and [yet] cleansed. Hmmmm. Thanks for letting me talk it out. I actually feel better. I wonder what emotions tomorrow will bring.


  1. Leanne - Emo #7 - Congrats on the organization. There's something about the chilly weather that makes closets and drawers scream "CLEAN ME OUT". And you listened!!
    Emo #2-6 - Block the idiots so you don't see what they are saying, contact the ones you would really like to see, and get together with them anyway. But don't let someone's meanness and evilness get in the way of, or control what you really want to do. And carry peace and balance in your heart. It will win out!! Emo #1 - I'm so sorry to Ellie is going thru that! And here we thought she'd be the one that was allergy resistant since her Sissy seems to have taken it all on!! I'm guessing she'll bounce back quick now with the steroid cream. Her happy, healthy smile and spirit are held in my vision!!

  2. Thanks for the comment, Peggy! I'm past 2-6 now - totally behind me now. 7 is still in happening (yea!) and 1 . . . she doing a little better every day - that's all I can ask for. So, it's all turning out +++. It seems once I write in my blog, I work through whatever was troubling me, and pooof - gone. Pretty cool thing, you know? Thanks, again, for your comment!


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