It's a GOOD MOM Day!! Yea!!

Today I had a GOOD MOM Day! and I want to share it with you. It started around 9am when my dear friend brought her daughter over for the day . . . . and from there on . . . . it was all GOOD!

We hand made cards and craft projects. We made a card for a beloved aunt's birthday, and a get well sign for mu-mu.

We made HOMEMADE Oatmeal Clay and played and played (thanks, Lill, for the recipe and support! And, no - I have NO IDEA what is on these plates. But, it's what our little artists created - and they're perfect!)

We had a yummy chicken/pasta/peas/carrots salad for lunch. And a yummy cookie for dessert.

We played a game of "I am a . . . " (which I made up about 5 minutes earlier). I wrote down the name of about 30 different animals/persons/things and put them in a bag, then picked them out one at a time and had the girls act out what it was. This occupied at least 45 minutes (yea!) Above they are a plate of spaghetti and meatballs, can't you tell? (I think Katie is in there somewhere.)

We held a concert. Katie was the headliner. She actually started by saying "GIRLS!!! ARE YOU READY TO ROCK!?!?!?" (I have no idea where she got that from) to which duckie, teddy, Ella and Maggie each yelled, "YEAH!!!!" We each performed during the concert.

Ella didn't want to give up her microphone! She has such a way with her public. (So funny. . . she kept pointing at us and talking to us. She was all serious - and I couldn't stop laughing. A true entertainer, for sure!)

We watched Flushed Away (or, as Ella calls it; Flushed Down the Toilet!)

We let Maggie carry her "checkbook" around with her all day. (Yes, that is a small little doodle board that Maggie insisted on carrying with her. And she kept calling it her checkbook! Totally cracked me up!)

We laughed. We cried (Ella bumped her head twice). We had a fantastic day. Thanks, Mags, for joining us in what I feel was a really great GOOD MOM Day. I can't wait to do it again!


  1. This is so great...I love feeling like I am at home while on the road. Thank you for this and the GREAT pictures. Love you guys and see you on Sunday...

  2. LMAO!!!! That was great!! You can give away your tv now - you have plenty of entertainment at home!!!

  3. I keep coming back to look at this's my favorite so far! Those kids are seriously funny together.


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