In Memory of a Great Lady

My Auntie Sylvia passed away on Saturday afternoon. Sylvia was my fathers sister. She lived 84 years on this earth . . . pretty wonderful, don't you think? She was a great lady. In honor of Auntie Sylvia, I wanted to share just a couple things with you about her.

One of the things that was true "Auntie Sylvia" behavior, was her ability to weep openingly at pretty much . . . anything. If she was happy, she'd weep. If she was celebrating a wedding, she'd weep. If she was mourning the loss of a loved one, she'd weep. If she was celebrating the birth of a baby, yep, you guessed it . . . she'd weep. I remember my Mom telling stories of how Auntie Sylvia would call her on the phone and ask her how all of us kids were doing. When Mom would tell her we were all doing well, Auntie Sylvia would break out in tears and say something like, "Oh, Carol, you've got such good kids." So funny . . .

Another thing that is probably my very favorite memory of Auntie Sylvia is how she would sign her cards. Every single greeting card or note you would receive from her would have her stamped name on it. It would always make me smile, because she would always take the time to write "Love, Auntie . . . (STAMP) Sylvia" It just tickles me. I drove home from the wake tonight wondering if I had any cards with her STAMP on it, and I remembered that I had kept all of the cards we received from our Wedding. I quickly found the storage bin of wedding memories and looked through every single card, until I found it . . . . the STAMP of Sylvia.

So, Auntie Sylvia, this is for you. I thank you for being a part of my family and a part of our history. I thank you for the many tears you shed for each one of us (your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews) through the years. I thank you for the smile you gave each time you would see us. And I wish you everlasting Life and Peace.

Say "hello" to Daddy for me.


  1. Ahhhh.... a woman who cries at birthday parties!!! I can SO relate. Didn't we just talk about Sylvia on Friday??
    Isn't it just the greatest thing when you cherish the little things? I believe there is no greater gift given from one to another than the little memories we carry in our hearts. Sounds like you are blessed for having known Sylvia. I'm so sorry for your loss, Leanne. But delighted that a small part of Sylvia lives on in you.

  2. What a great tribute to Auntie Sylvia. I can't beleive you found the wedding card from her! One of many great memories we will always cherish.

  3. How lovely that even though she stamped her name (how cute is that!), she personalized it with her own writing! Wink.

    What lovely memories you have - thanks for sharing.


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