S l o w D o w n . . . you movin' too fast

Do you ever feel like you really need to s l o w down? I do.

So, today I did what is probably the s l o w e s t thing I've done in a while . . . I started a puzzle. Seriously. I needed to do it. You see, the name of this Blog "From Chaos comes Happiness" was chosen not only because I really liked it - but because it is quite fitting for me. Ask anyone who knows me. It's really me. And lately, I've been making a conscious effort to s l o w it all down (a little, anyway.)

Phil is home (YEA!!) He was here by lunch time, and let me tell you - all the ladies in this house are THRILLED to have him back! As the late afternoon approached, I found myself with some free time - and that hasn't happened in quite a while. So I decided to take advantage of it and start a puzzle.

I bought this particular puzzle probably 8 years ago - when I had alot more free time and alot less responsibility in my life. Funny . . . I never opened it 8 years ago. Even with all of that free time. So, today was the day to take the wrapper off, and start. I laid out one of those handy dandy puzzle mats (yes, bought one of those 8 years ago, too) and spread out all the pieces and got to work.

Hmmmmm . . . where do I start? (I thought to myself.) Come on, this can't be that hard. You remember how to do puzzles. (The truth is, the most challenging puzzle I've done in the past 6 years was a 100 piece of Polly Pocket, and I have to admit - those are kind of easy.) Focus. Relax. Enjoy this time. (Then a song popped into my head . . .) Slow down, you movin' too fast. You gotta make the moment last. Just kickin' down the cobblestones. Lookin' for fun and feelin' groovy. Ok, Leanne. Stop singing. Look for the straight edge pieces. Come on. (Just then, the buzzer on our dryer went off.) Oh, the clothes are done. I should go and fold them. NO! No . . . I'm trying to s l o w down. They can wait. Just relax, Leanne. (Then some kids rode their scooters pass the house, which disrupted my concentration. I found myself daydreaming looking out the front door . . . until I realized I was singing again . . . ) Slow down, you movin' too fast. You gotta make the moment last. Oh, this is silly. I really should just enjoy this down time. Focus. (Then Phil came upstairs and said the girls wanted their Dora tent up and he couldn't figure out how to set it up, would I mind coming down and setting it up for them?) Oh, good, a diversion. (Heading back upstairs, I noticed our camera and thought . . . ) Oh, good idea. I'll take a picture and blog about how I'm trying to s l o w down. (Here's the photo:)

That will be great! That's a great picture. I should go blog now. NO! No . . . I'm trying to s l o w down. That can wait. (I thought to myself. Just then, the phone rang . . . . ) NO! No . . . don't answer it. I've talked to that person twice already today. They can wait. (And again, the song popped in my head.) Slow down, you movin' too fast. You gotta make the moment last.

This went on for about 1 hour. At which time Phil came upstairs, sat on the couch, and started to watch a show. I sat at the kitchen table and looked over at him and thought . . . You know, what I really want to do right now is sit down and watch a program with my husband. That looks like a really good idea. I rolled up the little bit of puzzle I had completed, boxed up the remaining pieces, and did just that - I watched a television program with my husband. And it was good.

Now, it's not quite the same s l o w d o w n concept I imagined when starting the puzzle. But I did relax a little. I don't think I had the patience and discipline required for focusing on the puzzle this afternoon. But, I'll try again. I'll get there. And I have plenty of time. Afterall - I chose a Christmas puzzle, so I have a couple months to complete it. (Guess I knew it wouldn't be an easy task for me to complete.)

I'm interested, though, in what you do to s l o w down. Do you have a hard time slowing down? Do you have any pointers on what you do to relax? Let me know. I'd love to hear about them.


  1. Sleep!! If I want to slow down, I sleep. Does that count??

  2. I have a favorite chair, away from the room with the TV, with a side table with some pretty things on it and a stack of books. I light a candle, cover up with my blanket, sip my coffee, open a book, and inevitably, I fall asleep. So, I'm with Peggy....when I slow down, I fall asleep.


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