Believe it or not - this girl is WEAK!

It's been an exciting week in our happy home. Our Katie Girl has had some great moments, while her dear old Mom has had to come to terms with the fact that, yes, I am a weakling. Truly. Deeply. Weak. As a mom, there really is a great deal that I can handle. I can mend the cuts, bumps and bruises of two adventurous girls, I can tend to bee stings and splinters, and I can make most ouchies and boo boos feel better with just some good ol'fashioned TLC. However, there is one thing that I just CAN'T handle. You see, when it comes to my child loosing her teeth ... this Momma goes weak. Really bad weak. Like, the kind that makes you want to just lay your little ol' head down on the floor and not wake up until it's all over.

I don't know how I got this way. Meeting me now, you would never have guessed that about 18 years ago I worked as a monitor technician in a step-down cardiac unit of a hospital. You would never have guessed that it would have been me who read the heart monitors and determined when a patients ticker wasn't working up to par. You'd probably be surprised to learn that I was strongly encouraged to become a nurse by a very well respected Neurologist and Cardiologist. And you'd never believe that, for a very brief moment, I actually thought about going into nursing (VERY brief, mind you.) Well, that was all me . . . way back when.

Right now, I wonder if that time in my life was really just an episode of ER or something. I can't believe I ever had that job. Seriously, because I honestly and truthfully have a really hard time with the whole tooth thing. And our 6 year old (almost 7) Katie, is right at that age when these teeth seem to be dropping like flies. Earlier this week, PG assisted her in the removal of one extremely loose tooth. (As I patiently waited in another room of our house for the result.) I mean, just the thought is enough to require some smelling sauce, for real.

I thought we were good for a few days. Katie hadn't mentioned any more loose teeth in that mouth of hers. All was good in the house tonight. PG wasn't home yet, but the birds were singing. Dinner was well received and both girls ate ALL their broccoli and chicken (even second helpings on the veggies for Katie, YEA!). So, when she asked if she could have a little something for dessert, I was happy to say yes. I tried to recommend maybe a baked apple, some banana and yogurt, or perhaps a frozen fruit bar. But Katie had other plans. "Mom ... I can't get my mind off of the chocolate," she said, and I immediately remembered that about a week ago, a nice young boy came to the door selling candy bars for his baseball team. Those candy bars have been in the freezer since that day. Undisturbed and unopened. "Mom, do you think I could have just one little piece of chocolate?" she asked. And, since I understand the strong need for chocolate every once in a while, I agreed. We decided that perhaps two tiny little rectangles of chocolate bar would be simply the BEST DESSERT EVER and she sat at the table with these little pieces on her plate like they were gold. (Believe it or not, Ella decided on a fruit bar! Good Girl Ellie!!)

I warned Katie to let the chocolate pieces come to room temperature for a minute before she bite into them, but having chocolate in front of you and NOT devouring it is WAY too much of a challenge (I totally get that). So, she took one bite of the frozen chocolate and .... bam! "MOM!!! MY TOOTH IS LOOSE!!! I HAVE ANOTHER TOOTH LOOSE!!!! LOOK!!!" Uh-oh.

Now, you would think this would be OK, right? I mean, all I have to do is LOOK. She is not asking me to surgically remove the tooth. She is not asking for a consultation on the status of the tooth. She just wants me to look at it. Quickly. Just look. I can do this, I can do this...oh, dear... if I faint, would it be better to fall towards the pantry or would I be better to fall near the dishwasher? Which direction should I turn my body so that my fall won't hurt too badly? Hmmmm .... "MOM, LOOK!!!!" she yells, interrupting my plans.

So, I look. Yes, I did. I almost died. But I did it. I almost died, because that darn little thing was so loose, that my darling daughter was able flick the tooth back and forth with her tongue as if it was waving to me and saying "Hello Lady!!! How you doing?" I screamed. Ella laughed hysterically. And Katie kept the tooth waving at me.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!! Katie!!!! STOP waving your tooth at me!!!!" I yelled. Which, of course, encouraged both her and Ella to laugh even MORE hysterically than before. This carried on for a good 5 minutes before I insisted she STOP. Seriously. My stomach felt like I was flying backwards on the biggest roller coaster ride, yet it looked like my feet were right on the ground. She must have known I was going to loose it, because Katie did stop waving that tooth at me. Whew. I am glad that is over.

About an hour later, the tooth fell out. All on it's own. And after a little note to the tooth fairy, and a wish for a big-girl tooth to follow soon, Katie was tucked in bed and dreaming happy dreams and my stomach has finally calmed down. I am so glad that the only people I have to be a nurse to, are those right here in my home. Here, I think I can handle it. (Wait . . . how many of these teeth will fall out? I better research that.) Yes, I am a weakling. And that's just the way it is. ;-)


  1. Oh yeah!! I'm the same way about loose teeth. Doesn't get better with the grandkids either. And I can vividly remember "flicking" my own teeth when they were loose. But now?? Just get me outta the room!! I have no idea when I got that way! My theory...just as you expect the ground to be stable, you expect your teeth to be firmly in your mouth. Therefore, just as you get a little weirded out during an earthquake, so goes you get weirded out during a loose tooth. Anyway, that's my theory and I'm stickin' to it!!

  2. I don't like loose teeth either or blood...even a little scratch!

    Funny cute!! And don't ya just LOVE chocolate bars in the freezer?! YUM!

    On another note...thanks for the kind comments on my blog the other day. IF you do make a journal please share as you are one crafty woman! AND I, too look forward to meeting you someday. I mean we do go to Chicago {Dave's grammy lives in Hampshire...and our accountant is there!!} Dave lived in St. Charles!!

    Have a happy Day!!!

  3. LOL... I love this! Having no children of my own yet, I'm not sure how I'll handle lose teeth, but I tell you what, that's the same way I respond to blisters! I had to pop one a few weeks ago and I nearly blacked out, hubby had to come do it for me! I'm sure I'll be a wimp about lose teeth, too....!

  4. Ohhh. I'm feeling queasy reading this. The flicking of the loosened tooth is just...well, ick.

    Thanks for the post. Came via Lady Bloggers. Grab a latte and read me over at as Confessions of a Startled Fat Woman.

  5. Oh yes, the tooth flicking is fun for the flicker, but not for anyone watching. You are not a weakling! I think it is human nature to be a little queasy watching part of the skull of a little human fall out--especially when it's YOUR little human!!

  6. Your little girl is growing up! I bet just yesterday her first teeth were coming in. Next, she'll be asking to borrow the car. Ah, the pleasures of motherhood!

  7. HA! Love it!! Well not the fact that your a "weakling" just the funny part of the story! ;) Can I just tell you that I am SOOOO bad that when my children get injured they literally jump up and scream to me "I'm OK MOM- It's OK" even if they are bleeding? Yes- everyone we know that has witnessed it thinks it's hilarious- It's actually pretty sad that they get hurt and I'm the one requiring the TLC!

  8. What is it with the tooth flicking? I remember 1 summer when my son's teeth were literally falling out of his head. He would sneeze and out they would come. Not only did he love freaking me out with the tooth flicking he kept wanting to show me the big hole the tooth left. Dried blood and all! Motherhood. We wouldn't trade it for anything right!

  9. Lol, I'm not quite that bad, however only one of my children has lost one tooth so far (and he is almost 7) but another one is about to pop out soon. His first one fell out while he was brushing his teeth, he didn't even realize it fell out until I saw blood in his toothpaste! The tooth was on the floor and I made my husband come in and pick it up. Why is a little kid tooth so.. creepy??? lol

  10. I haven't had to deal with losing any teeth around here yet, so I have no idea how I'll do with that!!


    Dad and Rita

  12. Leanne- What makes me happy you ask?

    To know that I made the perfect choice in giving Jillian your name as her middle name 12 years ago. You continue to be an inspiration so many years later and all I can hope for is that my daughter grows up to be as inspirational to those whose lives she touches as you have been to me!

    Congratulations on the 200th blog!!!


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