ME bad? YOU bad? .... huh?

Ok, call me crazy, but I can NOT get a handle on this whole "ME BAD" thing. Or is it "MY bad"? Oh, gees, I can't keep it straight. Is it ME or MY? THEE or THY?? Whatever.

One day last week, I came across four separate individuals who uttered the words, "MY BAD" to me. And let me tell you, they were not ALL hip Starbucks Barrista's who happened to goof up my coffee order (only 1 of them were.) The other three consisted of a Director at one of my client offices, a neighbor, and believe it or not - my mother-in-law. Seriously.

I am really puzzled by this whole figure of speech. In my own attempt at being hip (wait a minute - are people HIP anymore, or am I goofing that one up, too?), I have tried to say the famous "MY BAD" exclamation. However, I usually say "ME BAD", because for some reason in my brain "ME bad" sounds better than "MY bad". Don't you think? Oh, who knows...

Urban Dictionary defines "My bad" as a way of admitting a mistake, and apologizing for that mistake, without actually apologizing.

Hmmmm .... ok, call me cooky (Urban Dictionary defines "cooky" as someone you find to be a bit strange), but don't you think it's more appropriate to just say "I'm SORRY"?

Last week I felt like I was in the middle of some sort of Twilight Zone, and surrounded by only My Bad peeps (there, that sounded hip, didn't it?) Anyway, it was strange. What's even stranger is that when I googled "My Bad", I found some blogs and articles that date back to 2002. Some reference this term being around since the mid 90's. Seriously. Have I been under a rock??? And while I know I just passed a birthday ... it seems like the very first time that I truly just don't get it. Is this the beginning? Am I finally turning into my mother? Oh, dear.

MY Bad.

; )


  1. ooOh.. again.. you are cracking me up. (Uh oh - I said cracking.. ;-) )
    I hope your weekend is going very well!

  2. I think the term originated from the movie "Clueless". I always thought it sounded a bit silly too!

  3. HAAAAAAA!! Guilty :( really this would be where it's ok to say "my bad" I don't use it in place of an apology though- I only use it in minor situations for instance, If I forgot to replace the t.p. or something like that you know? "My bad, I forgot to grab a new roll" ;)

  4. This is hysterical and so on the money. I just can't wrap my brain around that expression. Like you, I'd rather just say "sorry" and leave it at that. :)

  5. Hey
    Thanks for stopping by and the follow, returning the Love...

    On this subject I must say I usually just say "Oh sh*t" !!


  6. "My bad" is an expression that I use often. I use it in place of saying, "oops, that was my mistake." I'm always happy to provide a translation. :)

  7. That was the funniest, craziest, confusing post ever! My bad, hope I didn't offend you, actually I'm sorry, Oh shoot what am I supposed to say? I'm so clueless when it comes to these things....

    Thanks for the follow, hope you don't mind if I do the same!!

  8. Me Bad vs. My Bad -- Think of the word Bad as a noun, not a verb. It's used instead of the word "mistake" which attorneys have already advised us to never admit to.
    As far as my use...I found I did say it last week, and felt it was the weirdest phrase I'd ever used. I certainly won't use it often!

  9. I am with you on this one. That expression drives me up a wall and it seems everyone is saying it these days. I hate turning into my mother as well but I hear things like that and my ears bleed :)

    Stopping in from the Lady Blogger's Tea Party!

  10. Oh, I so very much HATE this phrase. I think it's rude, and I agree with you, "I'm sorry" is much better.

  11. I say "my bad" sometimes. I guess I would say it's a less formal way of saying sorry. :)


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