Random Thinking Moment . . . returns!

Just a little Random Thinking Moment for those of you who have been around a while. It’s been quite some time since I’ve shared one of these random moments with you. Don’t worry . . . I still have them all the time. I just usually decide not to bore you with them. But this one, I just had to share.

You see, I have come to the realization today that . . . I . . . am a baby.

In my lifetime, I have broken a wrist, had countless scraps and softball injuries (and have scars to prove it), have given birth to two children (ok, so I had an epidural . . . but still, there is pain), have had surgery on my esophagus (now that’s a long story I don’t think I’ve ever shared with you), have slipped down stairs numerous times, and have stubbed my toe hundreds of times as well. And I survived it all . . .

However, TODAY my finger is killing me.

“Why, pray tell?” you ask? Well, quite simply, I have one of those sore little finger nail thingamajig injuries. Is there a formal medical term for this? (PK, let me know.) You know what I’m talking about . . . don’t you? Have you ever had that moment when the nail pulls ever so slightly from the finger and there is an itty bitty teeny weenie bruise right at the spot where it attaches to the finger, but you have this throbbing pain each time you do anything? It’s the teeniest little injury, but man alive . . . it’s killing me.

I’m not sure how it happened . . . I think at some point yesterday I was paying bills or writing a card out or doing something, and a piece of paper slid between my nail and finger. And today . . . I swear, I am a baby. All day at work, I winced as I typed (seriously . . . I KNOW. It’s ridiculous!)

As a matter of fact, typing this post right now is killing me . . . but sometimes we must endure great pain for the love of a great story, right?

I started thinking about how silly I am acting. As if I had a real ailment or something. I think God gives us what we can handle. And lucky for me . . . he knows that my little nail bed thingamabobber is about all I can handle today. Yes, I am counting my blessings.

It’s kind of like a paper cut . . .the simplest little cut on your finger, yet it always happens to me on a day I am planning on cutting up an orange, or a lemon, or something. . . and the juice always finds its way to the cut and Owwwieeee!!! PAIN!!!!

Silly little paper cuts and nail thingamabuggers.

It probably wasn’t a good idea to have microwave popcorn for my snack at work, either. The minute my 94% Fat Free Orville Redenbacher popcorn salt immediately found my nail thingamapooper injury . . YOWWIEEE!!! That HURT!!!

Ah, well . . . maybe I need a band-aid. Oh, that’s a good idea. A Band-Aid. Hmmmmm . . . wish I would have thought of that earlier. Good thing we have some Disney Princess bandaids in the cabinet. I think that’s exactly what the baby in me needs.



  1. Isn't it amazing that one little thing like that can hurt so bad! I am right there with you! I think you need two band-aids!

  2. wussy or not, when salt touches even the slightest of cuts, watch out!

  3. Sometimes it's the little things that are most bothersome, because every thing we do is intruded upon by them. But they also give us an opportunity for perspective, as we realize that it could be SO MUCH WORSE and then we get to be thankful for the petty annoyance ... :)

  4. I am the same way. How can I possibly clean the house when my nose is all stuffed up from allergies???


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