My Delivery Story

(Me, the day Ella joined our world, January 2007)
PG and I recently found out that three of our friends are expecting additions to their families. Yes, THREE!!! (And one of the three is expecting TWINS…so that’s 4 new babies joining the world by the end of the year! Holy COW!) It’s a super exciting time (and in case you think this is a sign for us, I assure you - NO WAY! We are super duper happy and content in this house. And balanced … I think 3 against 1 is perfect, don’t you?) I digress …

With all the talk about babies lately, I’ve had the opportunity to take a little stroll down memory lane and been able to tell my own very favorite “Delivery” story. The one story that is all “ME” and would happen, pretty much, to ONLY me.

Those of you who have given birth have at least one childbirth story to tell. If you haven’t given birth, please hang in there and keep reading, for my story is really a story everyone can appreciate. Hopefully make you laugh.

While I LOVED being pregnant, the actual delivery of the baby was something I was a little nervous about. Who wouldn’t be? Right? My plan was epidural. Yes, Epidural ALL THE WAY. You see, I am not afraid to admit that I am a weakling. I do not like pain. Giving birth without any pain medication, and without an epidural, was NOT something I was interested in doing. I mean, if I could have had the epidural implanted and running for 2 weeks prior to delivery (just to make sure I wouldn’t miss that window of time before it’s too late to receive it), I certainly would have. I was NOT looking forward to the pain of child birth. Nope, not at all.

When I was in labor with Ella, the epidural was not easily inserted. The anesthesiologist had a rough time getting everything going, and I was in a LOT of pain. (Yes, I know . . . that comes with labor. I get that. But, I’m a Princess. Isn’t there a “Princess Pill” that I could have taken to avoid all of that?) Anyway, after a number of attempts, the epidural was finally inserted and I was finally feeling some relief. Some very much needed relief.

My mother–in-law, Rita, was in the hospital room with me at this time. I think PG ran out to either update family, or get something to drink, or something like that. And I was finally able to get some rest before the BIG moment (the pushing), oh, and I could feel NOTHING below the waist.
It was at that moment when I reached to my side to feel a soft, fluffy pillow had been placed at my side for comfort. I was so appreciative of whoever put it there.

“Oh, that was so nice,” I said out loud.

“What’s that?” Rita asked.

“That was so nice for someone to put a pillow right there at my side. I feel much better now,” I answered.

Now, I’m no dummy. Really, I’m not. And I could tell IMMEDIATELY that Rita was holding something in. The moment I said “That was so nice of someone to put a PILLOW right there at my side”, well, her eyes practically popped OUT of her HEAD and her lips were sealed shut so tight that nothing was coming out of her mouth. It was at that moment that I knew something was up.


“Yes, dear?”

“That isn’t a pillow, is it?”

“No, dear.”

“So, that’s me, right? That soft fluffy pillow is really me, right? That’s my hip, huh? My side?”

“Yes, dear.”


So, there you have it. And a few hours later, 9lb. 8oz Ella Frances joined the world.

Rita and I laugh and laugh about it now – how she was NOT going to be the one to tell me there was no pillow there. It just wasn’t going to happen! God Bless you, Rita, for being a mother-in-law who knew to NOT aggravate her very pregnant, ready to deliver, daughter-in-law.

And that is my very own (and favorite) delivery story.


  1. Ha that's funny! At first, I thought you were going to say the pillow was the baby.

    I love birth stories, we stopped at three too!

  2. 9lbs 8 oz. WOW! I always enjoy reading labor stories. Makes me a little nostalgic too!

  3. Oh my goodness!!! To funny! My mother in law came in with a bag box of pretzels chomping away, not a care in the world. NEVER MIND I couldn't eat ANYTHING!?! Oh and by the way, I was the idiot who was afraid of what the epidural would do to my precious unborn child. So I suffered the entire 8 hours (quick from what I hear) without ANY pain meds!! The only good part was when it came time to push it only took 15 minutes! ;)

    When it came to Lil Red I said "Line it ALL up, give me whatever youv'e got" Only problem is they had discovered I had a condition that made my platelets drop dangerously low so they wouldn't do ANYTHING That would cause me to bleed any extra, including sticking me with a needle full of happy drugs!?!!

  4. I thought that you were going to say the soft thing was the baby too... Some births are fun to remember...

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  5. Again - another fabulous post!

  6. How handy to have a built-in pillow! Loved your story and the picture!!

  7. It was a wondrous day - smiles, laughs and tears, you are the epitome of grace - will always love you . . . fluffy or not . . . :|


  8. Gotta love a mother in law who knows when NOT to speak!! Thanks for sharing your delivery pillow story, Leanne!! Started my day with a smile!!

  9. So...ya wanna trade mother-in-laws?? lol

    Can you believe that I opted to go the natual route? In our own apartment? No drugs? Yeah...

  10. hahaha! That's too funny! Better to not feel ANYTHING, than to feel even an ounce of pain, right?!

    Love the picture up top! I loved pregnancy and delivery! Great memories.

  11. Funny how labor stories remind you of your own...I won't share, but let's just say, with my Matthew, we missed the window of when they could do an epidural, and I AM a princess like you...I DID NOT want to do it natural. Oh, no, I didn't. Glad you got fluffy and thanks for sharing your delivery story!!!


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