A Conversation Overheard

As PG packed for his business trip this morning, I overheard the funniest conversation between him and Ella. It went something like this . . .

PG: Ella, do you like Daddy's new pants?  

Ella: Ummmm . . . . they're silly.

PG: Silly?

Ella: uh-huh.

PG: Silly?

Ella: Yep. They look silly.

PG: Hey, Ella?

Ella: Yes?

PG: Have you seen your pants today?

Photo of Ella today . . . . with her silly pants.
Hope you're having a wonderful Silly Sunday, dear friends!


  1. Oh my goodness sooooo cute!!!!

  2. LOL!!! And I can hear PG's voice saying exactly that!!

  3. So darn cute! My girls have that same shirt and I love it. I need to find them those pants to match :)

  4. Awww! Those are only kinda silly because they are super cute!

    You can get away with pants like that when you're a kid.

  5. That is the best conversation ever! Very cute indeed!

  6. I wish I would look that cute in silly pants...hence the reason I don't own a pair! Hey Missy you've been tagged over at my blog!

  7. This is just darling!!! Love that Ella girl:)

  8. Ha ha...it's all relative, isn't it?! ;)

  9. Too cute. Um....where are Ella's curls?

  10. that's sweet :) stopping by from SITS!


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