Feeling a little . . . unsettled today.

Not completely sure why.

PG is leaving for his next trip on Sunday - he's been home for weeks now, and it's been so nice. I'm already feeling a little anxiety over the days when he'll be gone. 15 out of 20 from January 9th through the 29th. Augh.

I'm so blessed, I know. I'm blessed that we are employed. I'm blessed we have a home. I'm blessed that he isn't in a field that has him away even longer than that. I am blessed. I know.

But I still am feeling . . . heavy in my chest. Like I can't catch a breath. So many things I want to accomplish in the New Year . . . I love how the New Year allows you to refocus, don't you? But I think I'm putting too much pressure on myself, already . . .

That's not good.

It's January 5th, for Pete's sake. Pressure already?

Ella starts ballet today. Katie starts volleyball next week. School. Religious education. Oh, and work. Home. Laundry. Homework. Closets to organize. Bills. Pray. Cook. Clean. Oh, work, again. Nothing more than you, I'm sure. And all blessings, I know.

But still . . . I'm feeling off.

Just a little.

But, no worries.

I * * believe * * that this, too, shall pass.

How are you feeling today? Ever have moments like mine? How do you snap yourself out of it? (Perhaps time to put "Moonstruck" on the DVD, eh? Cher and her "SNAP OUT OF IT!" works like a charm, every time.)


  1. first off, I love the new layout! LOVE it!

    Next, hang in there. It will, indeed, pass. Good luck with your alone time, my hubs left yesterday and comes back, well, hopefully before the end of the month, so I feel ya!

  2. It will pass, Leanne. I know because...

    1) I have days like this and you have helped me out of my funk

    2) You have had posts like this and you always come back 125,000 percent!!;)

    Just take baby steps. One minute at a time if you need to. I get so overwhelmed and I feel "off" so many times. But when I sit down, make a list and just get going with my day, accomplishing even the smallest task helps me get out of the blahs and back into my sunny days!!!

    You are amazing and we are all here for you...

    Love and peace,

  3. I know what you are talking about. I have those feelings every now and then. Hang in there...

    That picture is oddly calming to me?

  4. Good morning Sunshine!!! I'm actually having one of those days as well. I think it may have something to do with having a lot of hustle and bustle for a week and just like that...BOOM...it is all at a standstill. It's like I'm lost or something. It will pass as I somehow get my brain back on track. I love that photo by the way...I'm with Natalie...it has an odd soothing affect for some reason.

    PS. I sent you an email...check your junk folder it's from coffeejunkie31@yahoo

  5. Sigh, I know this feeling all too well. It's ok to feel this way...ok it's not ok, but it's ok because we all trip in that little pothole in life. Know that it does pass. Take baby steps one hour, one minute at a time.

    This will just be a little blip in your year that will be smothered with all the things happy and hopeful and accomplished. The whole year awaits you ;)

  6. Yep..I have felt like this the past two days. In fact, I woke up this morning nervous..for no apparent reason. I think when my kids are in school my sense of calm kind of leaves. My 10 year old struggles due to a learning disability so I think that is always at the back of my mind. Not really sure..but am feeling uneasy...and queasy too! Weird!

  7. We all have moments where we get to indulge in a fair amount of escape or fantasy; but real life always comes along and brings us back down to Earth. There's always laundry, dirty dishes, job responsibilities ... sigh. But the break from routine was fun for awhile, wasn't it ... :)

  8. Oh no, no! You can't feel that way; you are like Disney...the happiest person on earth!

    Day by day, my dear! Don't overthink it!

  9. Hey Leanne...sorry you're a bit down and hope you bounce back to your usual perky self soon!
    Not nice when hubby is away...I'm facing the same thing soon, always happens round this time of the year :-(

  10. hi honey...i hear you...my husband is military and has been gone months at a time(14 months last deployment)...it is very difficult, and you do face it with dread. and it's ok that it bothers you. i would worry if it didn't. god is your hubby while PG is gone...i will pray for you and the girls...
    BTW...i LOVE your blog photo!
    love and hugs...

  11. BREATHE. Now.. believe in your ability to rise above the anxiety, accomplish everything with GRACE (evwn with PG there only in spirit)... and put one foot in front of the other.


  12. Hang in there Leanne! I think I put a little to much pressure on myself as well. Who can blame us though!?! I BELIEVE we just need to put one foot in front of the other and keep on moving! ;)


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