Shakin' Things up in the House!

The funniest thing happened as I was sitting on the couch Friday night, watching TV. I started thinking to myself, "Gees, I really wish I had an exercise bike. Then I wouldn't be sitting here on the couch doing nothing. I could be riding my bike getting a little exercise into my night." Then . . . . a voice in my head said, "Hey . . . . goofy . . . . you HAVE an exercise bike in the storage room. Now what's your excuse?" And you know what . . . . yep, I do. I have an exercise bike.

So, this weekend we moved our exercise bike from here . . . .

. . . to here . . .

Right into the family room, where I can SEE it. You see, all of a sudden I realized that I am a VISUAL person. I need to SEE and touch things, to totally "get it". I can't always close my eyes and imagine patterns of papers or finished layouts when scrapbooking - I need to actually SEE the paper and SEE the pictures in their layout on my table. If I SEE it, then I can easily get it all together. Same concept with this exercise bike. When it was down in the basement, in storage . . . out of sight, out of mind (so funny - those elders who came up with those life lessons like "out of sight, out of mind" were so on to something. Unfortunately sometimes I need a brick to fall on me to actually get it.) I am really really good at avoiding things - but now that the bike is right there in my living space, I feel guilty sitting on the couch watching a television program when I know that I can enjoy the program just the same, all while on the exercise bike.

I guess its kind of like the same concept with cheesecake. If I SEE a whole cheesecake in front of me, I want to eat it (the visual thing again). If I DON'T SEE a whole cheesecake in front of me - I might still want to eat one, but it will be harder to do if it's not there. Right? (NOTE TO SELF: Keep the cheesecake OUT of the house!)

We moved the bike on Sunday night. I've ridden it 3 times already, with almost 20 miles so far. Not much, but that is 20 miles MORE than last week. So I'm pretty thrilled with that.

So there you have it - shakin' things up in our house! Have you done anything to shake up your routine lately? I'd love to know.


  1. I have that same big green exercise ball hanging out at my house... I kept bouncing it from room to room until it landed in the basement storage room. Maybe I'll bring it back upstairs!

  2. Look at that.... two little sticky up things to hang coats on!!!!

  3. Yay Leanne! The best way to sneak more exercise into life is to make it as easy as possible. Exercise equipment near a TV has become a requirement in our house. :)

    And I do have one of those exercise balls too! But I brought it to work, and I use it for my office chair. It sneaks just a little more activity into my day instead of using a regular chair.


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