Spirit = Bruised. Life = Good.

Today my spirit is a little bruised. After a bothersome call early this morning, I feel a bit worn and used. And I'm bummed about that.

It's really no big deal. What caused my sudden shift in mood doesn't even matter . . . what matters is that I feel the change, and I want to get out of it as soon as possible. Because I don't feel good this way. No one is hurt, sick or dying . . . I am blessed with so many parts of my life that I've lost count. What is most important for me to remember, is that all things really do happen for a reason. Yes, they do.

But how do you keep yourself reminded of that?

I went through photos on my computer tonight, because that always seems to help. When my spirit needs lifting, I find I need to focus on what is GOOD.

This memory, above, is good.

And this drawing is good, too.

This laughing little girl is good.
And this sweet little girl is, too.

This man is good.

And this is a really really good life.

No matter what tomorrow may bring, today . . . . still . . . . was good.


  1. LW - Sorry to hear of the distress!! But you're right! When we were growing up, we were always told to "count your blessings". Looks like you can do it in visual! One more thing I always keep in mind when I'm hit with a stressful situation. Things really do happen for a reason, and whatever I'm stressing about is actually an opportunity for growth, be it mine or someone else's. It's not my place to pass judgment on whether the situation is good or not good. LIFE is good!! And we're here to experience it all. I'm thinking you're doing a pretty good job!!

  2. Peggy - thanks so much for your support. You have no idea how much it means to me.


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