O'Holy Night

I watched little Ella drift gently off to sleep last night.

The warm glow from her little Christmas tree lit up her precious face. As the soft voice of Celine Dion sang "O'Holy Night" over her CD player, I knelt down next to my 3 year olds bed and gently stroked her face as she drifted off to lullaby land. 

Time stood still for a few minutes, I'm sure of it, and a sense of peace fell over me.

As her eyes lids fell deeper and deeper into a sleepy state, the corners of her little mouth curved up to show the sweetest little grin. It was then that I knew she had found the sugar plums in her dreams.

I know that this would be a bad habit to start with her, the whole "watching her sleep" routine. But something about this week had me yearning for these few gentle minutes. Maybe it was the howl of the wind I heard echo through the 2nd floor of our home. Perhaps it was the pitter-patter of rain drops falling on her window. Or maybe it was the fact that this week at school she learned all about the number 4 . . . how to write it, how to count it, how it comes very clearly after 3 and before 5. She can recognize all the numbers now, she can write them so very well, and she loves to read them back to me off of sales flyers or cookbooks. But the number 4 . . . it seems like a big one to me.

Maybe it's because in a couple of months, she'll be turning 4.

My baby isn't a baby anymore.

Lately I've been so caught up in the chaotic routines in our home . . . the revolving door of friends and loved ones coming and going . . . and the craziness of our daily lives . . . that I feel like I've been missing too much. Those last leaves on my neighbors bush (that I have been watching for weeks now) have finally given in and taken flight. I missed the day they left, though, as I was too busy with something else.

But for one hour last night, it all stopped.

And I think, for that brief moment, I found my sugar plums, too.


  1. awe...what a sweet post! They do grow up so very quickly! It is always special when you find that quiet moment amidst chaos...and well, watching your wee one sleep, that isn't such a bad way to spend a few quiet moments.

  2. It's the best present in the whole wide world isn't it? Being a mom and recognizing these precious little moments. I tell you they never go away. I caught a funny crooked smile on Sebastian's face a few days ago and beneath the mop of hair and peach fuzz I can still see the same little boy hanging on to Blue (Blue's Clues) just 10 years ago. You're an awesome mom Leanne and I think you'll always be blessed with these moments just like I have :)

  3. Oh, I know that look on Ellie. I've seen it while she has napped. It is THE BEST!!! But PLEASE say it ain't so -- 4 years old? NOOOOO!!!! I'm not ready yet!!!

  4. Sweetness, pure sweetness! Four is still so little, my baby is 20!

    But boy do they grow fast! Just keep watching her sleep, that seems to be the time they sprout. I swear it's always over night!

    Lovely post!

  5. What a sweet post and def hang on to every moment, I miss those days when I could do that now I get the weird look from my teens:(......Thanx for sharing:O)

  6. What a beautiful post. I need to find more of that in my life so that I can get back to writing like this!!
    Hard to believe Ella will be 4 in just a couple of months.
    Enjoy those sugar plums, Leanne. That's what living a true life is all about.

  7. purple balls on a pink tree! so fabulous!

    i know i should make a point to appreciate that more now, but i guess i figure i still have a few more years before Maddie is Kate's age.

  8. Oh dear friend. This is the story I needed to hear. My Christmas Spirit has been hiding...try as I might to coax it out. Life is so different here...good but different. My kids aren't little anymore. The magic of Christmas has gone or so it seems. I have always thought I did a good job of creating that magic...but I am doubting myself. I have the glooms. The glums...oh, dear...I've got to get out of this rut!!!

    Your sweet, tender story has made me want to create that magical Spirit here. I need a little Christmas and Leanne, you just may have given it to me:)

  9. That's really, really special. :-)

  10. I love this post Leanne! I know that feeling of peace you are talking about when it is night time and our beautiful children are sleeping and safe. There is a comfort and happiness that we get watching how angelic they are. That little tree is cute! I hope you are doing great! Have a good night!

    Mama Hen

  11. You know...sometimes...when I go in to wake my boys up in the mornings...I go in and stand by their beds and I don't wake them right away...I just look at them...mine are 17...and they are still angelic to me in their peaceful slumber. :-) Oh and the pink & purple tree?? That rocks!

  12. Happy Friday! I gave you an award today ....



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