Giving up the "help"

About a month ago, I reluctantly accepted a book from my mom named "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. I use the word "reluctantly" because I usually dread when Mom shares a book with me. Not because I don't enjoy the book, but because Mom will usually ask me (over and over) if I started it or what I think of it, when I haven't even had a minute to open it.  It usually finds its way to my "Nightstand of Novels" where it waits in line with all the others.

I talked to you about this nightstand a while ago, remember? Back in August, when I came to terms with the fact that I wasn't going to complete any of my summer reading.  Nothing has changed with my nightstand since that post, except my stack of books has grown by three or four, creating even more pressure to find time in this chaotic life to read. I really do enjoy reading, but I just have had a hard time finding time to do it.

Then, it happened.

That "Ah-ha!" moment.

All while dusting my nightstand of novels. 

You see, it appears that many of the books on my nightstand are "Self-Help" books. You know the type . . . .books about finding happiness, books about finding yourself, books about accepting yourself, books about being positive, books about having peace, finding peace, keeping peace. All of it. You name it, I have it. Just sitting there. Collecting dust.

It's not as if I haven't tried to read. I've picked up so many of these "help" books from time to time and read a page or two, maybe even a chapter or two. But I usually get lost somewhere between the lines and back it goes, to the bottom of the stack, until it's next up in rotation. I usually tell myself, "Oh, I'm just not ready to find that 'peace' in my life right now. Maybe later."

All of  sudden it hit me. You may remember that PG is out of town on business this week, so I'm solo on the home front with the girlies. It's been a fantastic week with them . . . focused and organized, productive and peaceful (no worries, remember?). Tuesday evening, I visited that nightstand to dust it off, when my eye caught the stack. Right on top was a book about coming to terms with not being perfect. Underneath it, "The Help".

All of a sudden . . . 


Maybe I need "The Help" . . . but not all of the "help".

Get it?

Maybe I'm not doing so bad, afterall. Maybe it's time to move all those self-help books to the book shelf, and clear up the nightstand for some good ol'fashion novels. Not the kind that are trying to change me. Not the kind that are trying to improve me. Perhaps I don't need to change. I mean, I'm happy. Really. Do I need to read a book about making myself "HAPPIER"? If I get any happier . . . I'm going to be even more annoying than I already am.

Maybe that's why I haven't been reading this year . . . because my selection of reading has turned into a therapists waiting room. Perhaps, just perhaps, I give myself a break for a little and stop trying to IMPROVE myself. (Back to that whole "embracing" myself.) Maybe just EMBRACE . . . .  and stop reading about how to do it.

So, Tuesday evening, I moved the "help" books, and opened up "The Help".

The book is incredible.

I can't put it down. I'm at page 243 . . . and found myself waking up at 3AM today wanting to read some more. Can you believe it? Thanks, Mom. You were right . . . I am enjoying it so very much.

I am happy.

And I didn't need a "self-help" book to get me there. 

Any ah-ha moment in your days recently? Share it in the comments . . . I'd love to know.


  1. Oh, Leanne, what a refreshing post!!! You are SO right. Too many times, we go searching for the perfect happiness, when it's right in front of us. Yes, my dear, you are fine just the way you are. And "The Help" is one of my faves. Now to find that perfect historical fiction novel for you!

  2. Very cool! Yes, my latest a-ha moment was revealed by being home alone. i think I lost my independance when my husband moved it. LOL I know.. I know.. I feel a little more like my old self now. Independent, not moodly, just me. I have to hold on to that when he returns and not be soo needy and weepy. ;-)

  3. I am so very glad to hear that this book won't be a disappointment when its turn comes along in my own book rotation!

    As for the self help books, it has been my experience that while sometimes we actually need the "help"; sometimes we actually only think we need the "help". That could very well be why you weren't able to make it through very much of the books you attempted to read.

    I cannot say that I have had any profound ah-ha moments in a while.

  4. Yay for non-self help books! I love when you find a good novel that you just don't want to put down. It feels like a mini-vacation. Good for you!

  5. SO cool! It was an ah-ha moment!!! I like to hang out in the self-help section of the book store. You find the nicest people there. Nothing like the Science Fiction section.....

  6. The Help is sitting in my night stand pile of books at home... Maybe I need to pick it up myself! Congrats on the aha moment!

  7. I have never heard of this book. I will have to check it out on Amazon today.

    You are so right, Leanne. I am always trying to BE a better ME. As if there is something wrong with me. There isn't. Oh, sure I have areas I can improve on...but to the point of obsession-NO.

    You are a wonder. Love ya'.


  8. The work we put into ourselfs never ends until the day we die...only then is our work complet. We are always be a better person that is what makes us good people. There is something wrong when we stop trying to be happy or a better person.
    I have a bunch of books on my night stand as well...some are library books that are 4 months over due!! Now there is something wrong with that. :)
    Love you girl...always keep up the good work that is you.

  9. I have heard sooooo much about the book. I need to read it! I love to collect books too. They are pretty on my nightstand. But the ones I actually read are on my Kindle!

  10. Hey Leanne, I have not opened up a bunch of books I had bought the past year. I like uplifting happy books and the self help books are great. You do not have to stay focused on reading from beginning to end, but can refer to them from time to time. I find that time is so limited all the time. I try to do as much as I can with my daughter and she has been so tired from the Mono, so she is not going to school full days. I even have not had the time to blog like I used to or would like to. I guess we have to take those moments in our busy lives and use them wisely. Have a great night my friend!

    Mama Hen

  11. Ahh, I've been eyeing that book for the past 6 weeks. Your endorsement has made we want to run to Target to buy it. Thank you! Glad you found the help you needed

  12. The Help was one of my favorite reads in a long, long time. I couldn't put it down!

  13. I've heard such good things about this book, I'm really gonna have to pick it up now. Can you come dust my books, too? I have TOOOOO many.


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