Au Revoir

I don’t like missing “good-byes”. It’s sort of a pet peeve of mine, when someone leaves and they don’t say goodbye. PG used to be famous for this when we were first married. In the morning, he would be the first to rise. He’d hop in the shower, dress, and head downstairs to the kitchen. I would wake up, hop in the shower, and come out to find that he had left for work . . . without saying good bye. It would drive me crazy. I would usually call him on his cell phone and say, “I would really appreciate it if you would say ‘good bye’ before leaving the house,” and go on and on with one of those guilty sagas “what if something happened to either of us and we died and we never said good bye” and scenarios.

It took him a while, but he finally caught on. Now, rarely will he leave without a proper good bye. And if he happens to be traveling, I get a phone call before the plane takes off every single time. While it may be a tag morbid to some, for me, that phone call means absolutely everything.

I feel the same about co-workers. {usually}

Last week, a co-worker of mine left my company. What’s funny is that I never met her (she works in the main office for our company in a different state, while I work in an off-site office), but she was a wonderful comrade in my job and I considered her a great work friend. When I came back to work from vacation, she was gone, with no good-byes. (I don’t like that.) It’s not even that there was much drama in her departure. She left on her own accord to start a new chapter in her life, and I am so happy for her. However, I need a little closure. When people have meant something to me, I want them to know. I want to tell them that I am glad our paths crossed in this world and that I appreciate them. . .Something to express well wishes as we move on. Something . . .

Luckily, she called last week. Turns out, she doesn’t like missing good-byes just as much as I don’t like missing them. So, we had our exchange of well wishes and shared admiration for one another, we laughed and spoke of good times had, and we bid farewell.

And I feel better.

Does missing a good-bye bother you as much as it does me? Leave me a comment below . . . I’d love to know.


  1. You know, I think it does. One of my coworkers (for 4 years now) left last week. We were not very close, but we exchanged stories about her kids, I listened as she dealt with the loss of her father, etc. Her going away celebration at the office was at 3:30 - I ended up working from home that day. Lazy - but I did not go in to the celebration. I actually woke up this morning thinking about the fact that I never actually said goodbye to her. So.. yeah.. I guess so.

  2. I am soooo much this way. Everyday I before I walk out the door for class I tell my husband goodbye and that I love him and have a good day. He always does the same for me, too. Even in the wee hours of hunting!! He will come over to my side of the bed, lean down and give me a kiss;)

  3. Yes it bothers me too! Fortunately, it bothers my fiance as well

  4. I'm with you! We never go without a hug,kiss and an I love you before we leave the house.

  5. I agree with you, I need closure. But I think some people have never learned to say goodbye in a positive, healthy way & so they sneak out or the tension creates some drama.

  6. Mr. Treasures is guilty of that- he'd rather slip off unnoticed. He's not a fan of fuss. I on the otherhand NEED goodbyes! ;)

  7. P.S. I have NO IDEA how I've missed your daughters blog until now!?! TO CUTE!!!

  8. Yes, I miss good byes. My daughter, the youngest was always bad about that, her boyfriend would show up and she would just leave. My middle daughter is good about it, she of course is a visitor, so she has to be when she leaves, but has added a hug to it now, and I like that. I am not a hugger, but from her it is a nice way of saying " I love ya" without saying it. Hubby often used to leave without the good bye cause he did not want to wake me. I told him the heck with it , kiss me he does, sometimes I wake and other times I do not, but I know he has done it. Or so he swears LOL

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, and the sweet comment about all that I am going through. I too hope, with help of my readers that Ellen will be my Angel. I do not know if anyone will write in..many read, only you commented....but it was worth a try.

  9. I'm with you! I want a kiss or hug goodbye!

    A great love story... Nancy and Ronald Reagan never left the room that they were both in without saying "I love you" to each other.

    That's no different than "au revoir" or "arrivederci" or "adios" (which in my opinion all sound less harsh than "goodbye")

    And that's all I've got to say on that!

    Buh bye!

  10. it surely does bother me a lot.... to miss goodbye.


  11. The daily goodbye is not such a big deal to me, but major goodbyes are. Trips, etc. And if it is a really big goodbye as in changing jobs or moving than I like having the closure of a goodbye. It really is about the closure. If you don't get that, you leave with unfinished business, and that is like driving without a seatbelt. And that is like driving naked. Ick.

  12. Hello, nice blog.
    Well, GOODBYE :)

  13. I sometimes avoid them because I am likely to burst out into tears--even if I really didn't know the person. Now THAT's embarrassing!


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