Evidently . . . I would move to Portland

Well, I wasn't planning on writing a post about this tonight, but sometimes things just happen in life, you know? Sometimes they happen when you are wide awake . . . other times, they happen when you are off in lala land . . . in some other place and time . . .

I woke up this morning in the strangest mood. I couldn't figure out what it was, but I felt like I had gotten myself into a little bit of trouble. Hmmmm . . . . while soaping up the hair in the shower - it hit me . . . I SAID I WOULD MOVE TO PORTLAND. Ok, let me explain.

A little background for you . . .

PG and I LOVE music - always have. Music was one of the things that we had in common when first friends, and we went to many concerts in Chicago during those early years. One of the bands we absolutely LOVED was Counting Crows. Specifically . . . this album . . .
PG and I would play this CD over and over - for hours - in those early days. We saw this band in concert at least 4 times. They were IT for us!

Ok, back to last night . . .

Turns out that last night I went to yet another Counting Crows concert. Although this time, PG wasn't with me. I was with my friends 2E, Mary and someone else (I can't remember) . . . oh, and this all happened . . . in my DREAMS (I thought now would be a good time to tell you that - hence the reason I can't remember the 4th person who was with us.)

Anyway, in my dreams, Adam Duritz (the lead singer of Counting Crows) came up to me and said, "Hey, what's your favorite album?" Well . . . you know how I can't stop talking (or writing) sometimes? You know how there are days when my post might go on and on? Turns out I like to talk just as much in my dreams as I do in real life (or as in this blog.) So, I provided him a typcial Leanne response, "Well, you would probably expect me to say 'August and Everything After' because of the 'Mr. Jones' song, but I think it is really over played. So, I wouldn't necessarily say that it's my favorite. I mean, I like that song, but I have to honestly say that the album that I really like most of all is 'Long December' because I think it's really some of your best work and just fantastic and I love that." With that, a confused Adam Duritz looked at me and said, "So, would you move to Portland?" and I answered, "Yes. I would move to Portland."

So, there you have it. That's all I remember from my dream . . . that I would move to Portland. I've never even BEEN to Portland, but I would move there. Hmmmm. . . is this some sort of sign?

When I got out of the shower, I told PG about my dream. His only reaction was "Honey, Long December isn't even an ALBUM . . . it's a SONG."

Men . . . sometimes they just don't get it.

So, how about you? Have you had any crazy dreams lately? Leave me a comment and tell me about them . . . I would LOVE to know!!!


  1. Portland. Nice.

    I normally don't remember my dreams, but the past two nights have been weird. I think it's all this paranormal stuff I am writing. Enought to freak a girl out!

  2. Dreams are so crazy, when your sleeping they totally make sense. But trying to recall them after you wake up its a whole different story, one I can never really remember.

    Portland is not a bad place to live!

  3. HAAA!! No crazy dreams! I was just stopping by to tell you thank you so much!! Tomorrow is going to be a strange day for me!! I'll be sure to tell you all about it! ;)

  4. I have that dream-mood-carries-into-awake-time problem sometimes. I can remember being peeved with a significant other and not realizing why until I remembered something negative that happened in a dream. We had a good laugh about it...once I chilled out.

  5. Hmmmm...I've been to Portland, many times and I WOULD move there in real life. My lovely former mother-in-law is there, and my daughter is there with her right now! It is a lovely place - not sure why I resisted moving there all those years ago, since I really have no good reason to go there now. Except....Can I go with you? We would have so much fun. Ok. Let's do that. Ok. :)

  6. Its a nice place to visit...I've lived in or around Portland most of my life, I'd think you would like it...seeing its not stinking Hot hear. There are a few things That I don't care for...so we moved 30 mins north to a much smaller town. Very happy 30 mins away. I do enjoy me some counting crows. and If your ever in Portland...looke me up. :)

  7. Thanks for stopping by today! Mr. Groom keeps having dreams that he is either moving back to PA or buying his childhood home in PA- so we are strongly considering moving to PA this fall.


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