What were they thinking?

I seriously have no idea what my neighbors were thinking . . .

I mean. How did this happen?

Nuts. Just plain nuts.

Ok, let me explain . . .

It appears that at some point in the past 9 years of living on this block with the same people, that I have somehow managed to let them believe I was a trust-worthy soul, someone to call on for help, someone to lend a hand, and most importantly . . . someone to bring in their mail, water their flowers, and OMG - FEED THEIR FISH, when they are out of town on vacation.


I mean, FISH. They've asked me to FEED their FISH? I can hardly handle children (except for my own, and occasionally one more thrown in for fun), and now I have the pressure of a FISH to take care of??? Seriously . . . what in the world were my neighbors thinking?

What's even crazier is that not only ONE house on the block has left me these responsibilities this week . . . but TWO! (I KNOW!!!) And what's really MOST insane is that if you really knew me . . . you would know that the only reason I have a well manicured lawn (with lovely flowers and a fruitful garden that provides tomatoes, cucumbers and romaine lettuce to the whole neighborhood each summer) is because of PG - and has absolutely NOTHING to do with ME. As a matter of fact, PG travels out of town for 3 weeks every July for work, and I very openly cus him out every July when I am held responsible for keeping up the garden and lawn. (I know it is mean to do that, but you already know that I am not a fan of HEAT . . . and July is brutal here in the mid-west and I do seriously cus him out when I am mowing the lawn in 99 degree temperatures.) No, I am seriously NOT a garden and lawn kind of girl.

So, this week I have hardly been out there in the heat watering my neighbors flowers not every day. And the fish (Dorie) . . . well . . .  let's just say that she and I have a long talk each morning. I threaten her to make it through the week and tell her that I'll see to it she is rewarded with 10 little pepples of food on the last day I have her (instead of the 3 or 4 pebbles I was instructed to give her.) My handy camera has already taken a photo of her in case some rare Beta Fish incident should take place while under my care. But I have to be honest when I say that she has NOT looked good or been very active the last few days . . . lucky for me there is a Pet Smart in town.

My whole neighbor adventure, while shocking to me, is nothing like that of my dear blog friend, Bossy Betty. Do you know Betty? She's absolutely fanTAStic - and you MUST read this post here that she wrote when she was on neighbor vacation duty. It is too perfect for words! Yes, I am very lucky that (so far) my duties are far less exciting than dear Betty's.

For now, I am praying for RAIN so I can have a little relief from the watering duty. Seriously . . . I used to think my neighbors flowers were so beautiful. Now, not so much.

Both families will be back on Saturday . . . I hope I get a box of taffy out of this. At least a box of taffy will make it all worth it!

; )


  1. You seriously crack me up! I don't even know where to begin, so let me just say you had me laughing out loud!

  2. I really should of gone potty before reading this...sheesh your to much! Poor fish.
    I read that one of Betty's that was sooo funny ...thats how I stocked...I mean found you.

  3. Dear "State Farm" Leanne:
    So, we're talking A betafish? One? That currently resides at your house? You don't even need to go into the neighbor's house to feed him? Oh, Leanne!! I can't imagine what life will be life for you when the girls come home wanting gerbils!!
    As far as the heat...I'm with you, sister!! Taffy and/or fudge should be the minimum "thank you" gift!
    And Betty's vacation post was one of her very best. My sides hurt on that one!

  4. I can totally relate. I've had neighbor duties and it totally stresses me out. I pretty much kill all of my plants every year because I'm not very good at remembering to water all that jazz, so when it comes to additional commitments? I'm not very good at it. I pretend mostly and like you have a chat with whatever is in my care and a deal is made.

    Thanks for this hilarious post. ;)

  5. HAAAA!!! Luckily NO ONE asks me to watch their homes! Wait, Now I'm wondering why that is??? ;)

  6. Funny! Good luck with the fish! Luckily, beta fish are supposed to be hardy. Or so I'm told!

  7. Hey, if those ungrateful neighbors don't get you a box of taffy I'll send you a pizza {LOL}

    Gotta say, Leanne....Thank you so much for your comments on my blog the other day. They meant the world to me:)

    Love ya' like a sister, girl!!


  8. Ugh, I hate taking care of pets and plants when people are gone!! I feel so responsible....thanks for the laughs!!

  9. Oh Leanne....check out my blog...there is a surprise waiting for you:)

  10. I'd totally leave my fish with you! Heck, you wanna take my kids for the weekend! :-)

  11. You are so cute! I could be something like a turtle or a hamster. Don't worry about the fish! I know you will do just fine! :) Now your lawn and the flowers is quite a job. We have 100 degree weather and my yard looks pretty icky!I know you will get through the week just fine!

    Mama Hen

  12. Vacation duty? You are too funny. Thanks for the laugh this morning, I needed it :)

    It's super hot where we are too - hope we all get some relief from this heat soon.


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