Peace - it's a Good Thing!

Day 1 of PG out of being town was a pretty rough one this week. I think it was a combination of me being drained from a couple really busy weeks, and the girls realizing that I was drained (and thinking they had all control.) But, nope. Shortly after the half-way point of day 2, I had to call a Family Meeting . . .  with my 3 and 7 year olds.

Have I ever told you about our family meetings? We hold our gatherings in the room where most of our time is spent, the kitchen. When the girls hear "FAMILY MEETING" they know exactly what it means. They run and stand at attention in front of the refrigerator. (I know. I don't even let them sit down. But it honestly is the cutest little thing you would ever see . . . the two of them standing side by side, arms touching each other, as if to let the other one know they are not alone.) This is the place were I say my peace. I settle arguments and disputes here. I discuss plans and expectations. I mean business. And they know it.

So, at about 4pm on Friday night I was at my wits end. PG had only been gone a day and a half. A battle of the flip flop was underway between Katie and Ella - and I was loosing it. I thought there is NO WAY I am going to make it through 3 weeks of Daddy's trip in the current state I was in. So, I called the Family Meeting. There Katie and Ella stood, ever so cautiously, awaiting my latest speech. And there, with both of them in front of the refrigerator, I discussed our options for the next few weeks. I told them we could either have an awesome few weeks and do lots of fun stuff, laugh alot, make yummy treats, do cool craft projects, go fun places, have lots of snuggle time, watch movies, make popcorn, and have a really great time together.Or,we could spend the next few weeks fighting over a flip-flop, yelling at each other, crying, staying inside, and having no fun at all. I explained that Mommy wasn't about to do anything fun with two little girls who couldn't even be nice to each other. So, the choice was theirs. 

With that, my two little angels turned and hugged each other. They wiped each others tears - little angel returned big angels flip-flop to her, and the three of us agreed on 3 weeks of fun .... and of Peace. No yelling, no arguing, no fussing ... and it was settled. Pinky swears and all.

Day 2, 3 and 4 have been just that . . . . pure FUN!!! Lots of time outside - lots of time in our little pool - and an extra special day at the beach today with dear friends Karen, Tod and Holly. And my angels have made me so proud . . . here a just a few photos of the beach fun . . .

Ella could not get enough of the sand. She played and played ALL DAY in the sand - building and crushing building and crushing. I could watch her for hours.

There is a method behind everything that she does. I may not get it, but she knows what the plan is. What her plan is, anyway.

And Katie celebrated a great milestone as she passed the swimming test for venturing out to the "deep end" of the water. I swam along side of her as she took the test and found myself that proud parent screaming "You can do it!!! Keep going!!!" as she worked her way through the water. She was SO PROUD of herself - you can see it in her face. The lifeguard drew the peace sign on her shoulder (their symbol to easily identify those who have passed the test). And she immediately said, "Mom! Take my picture so you can show Daddy!"  I love that the PEACE SIGN is their symbol at the beach - and that Katie happened to wear her Peace sign bathing suit today. I think we needed some PEACE today. And, we ALL found it.

While sitting at the beach, I glanced up above me for a brief moment and grabbed my camera to take this shot. It was at near the end of our visit, after the sun had long kissed our faces, and the water had shriveled all of our fingers and toes. It was such a beautiful moment - the tree above me, the beautiful blue sky, the sound of the children splashing water in the distance, really so peaceful. I think I could have sat there for another few hours . . . just looking up at the sky. Yes, this is exactly what I needed. Peace. It was lovely. (Thank you, Karen!)

Tomorrow, back to work. But for today, we kept our agreement of fun and peace.

Here's wishing you a peaceful week, dear friend.  


  1. You're such a good mommy!! Your girls are so cute and a day at the beach was a perfect way to close a weekend.

    Hope the next three weeks are as happy as your day at the beach!

  2. What a great day at the beach for you and the girls!!! If you continue having days like these, the time will fly and PG will be home before you know it!

  3. What a great day! Love the family meeting idea and what it means to the girls. And when you recap your day with them, they realize that everything is better when they get along. Peace to your world for the next couple of weeks, Leanne!! Well, peace always, but ESPECIALLY over the next few weeks.

  4. Perfect day! You have this under control, girl. Such a good mommy speech!

  5. Your pictures are beautiful. I love the peace sign.

  6. Love the family meeting and the results as well. What happy summer days you are having and what good memories for your little ones as well!

  7. Popped in from Lady Bloggers! This reminds me of when I used to go to the lake with my family! How fun!

  8. Aw, I'm glad that the family meeting worked out!

    And I bow down to you. You do crafts with your children. I believe crafts are why God created babysitters :)

    here's to another few days of PEACE!

  9. Awww, Leanne. Your daughters are DARLING!! So very pretty. And how blessed they are to have YOU for their Mom!!!!

    Here's to lots of fun times over the next 3 weeks {i need to do this, too}

  10. Thank goodness you wrangled them in! Now that my youngest is 2, I swear that she incites riots with my 4.5 yr old. It's amazing how much noise and chaos 2 girls can create!

  11. Oh will you please come have a family meeting with my kids! Act really scary and intimidating. We are in a July funk. Need. A. Break.

    Cutest little girl faces!

  12. I am the tough one and so when Dad is gone they know their is no fun if they don't behave. Usually everyone is good and we have fun. Good for you and hope the rest of the time is good for you too.

  13. That was an awesome Mom thing to do; good for your little girls for how they responded!

  14. What a sweet story...I think they way you found peace was great! I am putting this in my mom file.

  15. Such adorable photos of your girls!! This was such a great post Leanne, it actually made me cry. I'm having such an inner battle being away from the kids all day- I'm hoping I find some peace soon.


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