Our Love Letters

I came across a box of "stuff" in our basement storage area the other day. When opened, it immediately brought me back to another time in this life of mine. Stuff from before I was married, binders from college, playbills from old theater performances I was in, magnets from old apartments, and six little notebooks that hold the Love Letters of my early days with PG. 
It's was so strange seeing them. I hadn't thought about them in years . . . until a few weeks ago when I posted on this blog about writing letters back and forth with Katie, and my dear friend Cindi commented that it reminded her of the letters PG and I used to write back and forth to each other. When she mentioned them, I couldn't believe it, for I had almost forgotten about them. Then, the search was on. I had to find them. And, there they were. All gathered together and waiting to be looked at. Waiting to be read. Waiting to be remembered.

The whole story of our romance can be summed up rather neatly . . . we met, we became friends, we moved in together as friends (seriously), we worked opposite shifts, we hardly saw each, we wrote letters to each other in between work and home, we laughed, we fell in love, we moved, we married, we had children, and here we are ... together ... a family ... and happy. 

The story of us living together as friends before boyfriend & girlfriend has very little importance (and really carries no drama) to who we were then, or who we are now. I was simply a 25 year old girl who was in need of independence from home, and he was a guy who needed a room-mate. That was it. Boring.

But the real story, to me, is in these notebooks. Our Love Letters. They started as simple little "Your Mom called. Give her a call." type of notes, and moved on to "Thanks for listening to me yesterday, I really needed someone to talk to." notes.  Looking back through them now, I can almost see our relationship evolve. Back then, it was just a means for us to communicate openly and freely.

The note below was written as we were planning a trip to Cleveland, Ohio, to visit the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. We were so excited to be going to Cleveland. I look at it now and it just makes me smile to see our hand writing, and the silliness of it all.

It's so strange how these words and letters can take me right back to that time when I fell in love with my husband. I feel those little butterflies in my stomach as I remember those early moments. And I am so glad that I have these notes to remind me of our beginning. Our Love Letters. Priceless.

I'm thinking of buying a new notebook. I wonder what he'll write back . . .


  1. Just like the movie The Notebook! And check out your husbands handwriting. Is that seriously his, I mean it's so nice and legible!

    Very sweet, very, very sweet!

  2. Saimi - yes, that is actually PG's handwriting! It's lovely, I know!

    And can you believe that I NEVER SAW the movie "The Notebook"? But I think I'm going to have to rent it this weekend! I think I'm going to LOVE it!!!

  3. Awwww, that is so sweet it makes my teeth hurt ;) I love finding things like that, sadly I tossed alot of my husbands letters from way back, but the funny thing is ...he has mine. Huh? Think it would be the other way around.
    Maybe its cause he is a lefty and I could never read them anyway.

  4. Lucky, lucky girl!! So smart to have saved them! Maybe the family note pad isn't such a bad idea! It would be a written snapshot of a moment in time. I like that idea! Okay, I see mod podge and spiral notebooks in your future!

  5. Leanne, I love that you shared these with us!! And I love how you kept it all neatly in a notebook. Such a clever idea!!:)

    What a wonderful treasure to keep for always and share with your girls someday and perhaps inspire them to do the same thing with their spouse!!

    My daughter and I started one of these years ago...we need to get back into that groove.

    I will be gone for the next few days, chicky...so if I don't drop by you know why:)

    Happy 4th!!!!

  6. Oh Gosh I love this! I have all our old letters too, in my hope chest, and wonder what to do with them all. They are so many, as we were a long distance relationship for four long years, and letters were our only communication some times. Thanks for sharing, I'm gonna have to dig out our letters and relive a little!

  7. Love this story!I've kept all of ours too, and now you've inspired me to dig them out and look at them :)

  8. That's really beautiful! The written word - wow. Just wait 40 more years, then you will definitely feel the love! That's powerful!

  9. Ok - I have tears in my eyes - I am SO glad you saved these and that a little thing I said reminded you...really this was one of the things I loved about you guys back then. How wonderful that your evolving relationship was documented in such a lovely way! And I'm amazed at how similar your handwriting is to Phil's - must have been 'written in the stars'...get it, there are stars on your notebooks....never mind.

  10. Oh my gosh. That is so great that you have all that stuff saved.

    I recently went through a box that I had like that or three and it took me back to my younger more careless and carefree days. Man, I wouldn't go back there again if you paid me. But it was fun while it lasted.

    Of course, I didn't have the romantic story that you do.

    You should make a scrapbook of all of it to the present moment and keep adding to it. Then you'll have something for your kids to look at and they can show their kids. Ha! Doesn't that sound grand?

    Great story, thanks for sharing.

  11. That is so sweet! How neat to be able to look back, a time line of your early relationship!

    Glad you picked up that book! You'll love it! I finished my copy today (WAY ahead of my book group... oops!)

  12. I love that yours are handwritten. I kept a bunch of emails from when we first started dating (we were in college together), full of all the schmoopie stuff he'd write! so sweet!

  13. Aww Leanne!! This made me all choked up!! I LOVE it! Mr. Treasures and I started out as friends as well. ;)

  14. My fiance told me the other day that he misses me writing him notes. As soon as our routines allow, I'll be sure to do it again.


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