Look what I found . . .

. . . in my refrigerator last week  . . .

I put my best detective hat on and searched high and low for the culprit. It wasn't difficult . . . the "teeth" fit. The guilty party?

When I asked her if she bit the butter, she answered very simply, "Yes." When I asked her why, she answered very simply, "Because . . . I was hungry."

Life is so simple to our little Ella. Yep. She was hungry. Well . . . works for me.

I think Paula Deen might have been in shock, don't you? Nah . . . on second thought, I think she would completely understand. I mean . . . it's BUTTAH. What's NOT to love about it?


  1. I totally admit that if I could, I would eat butter like that too! But it doesn't agree with my arse and thighs ;)

  2. Give that girl some bread! That is too funny and too cute. Got to love simple kids.
    When that happens in my house its the dog and there is nothing left of the butter...just me wondering if I'm going nuts "I know I took some butter out"

  3. OMG...what a great story!!! Did she eat through the paper, though? :)

  4. I eat popcorn just I can eat butter. True story!!

    Ella...rock on, girl!

  5. HILARIOUS! Thanks for a good laugh!

  6. Hilarious!

    (PS - and yes, this is sick.. but my mother told me, when she was little, back in the 50's, her grandmother would give the kids a stick of sweet cream butter to eat as a cold treat. I am NOT kidding. Apparently it was quite the norm in the south back then.) I bet Paula Deen got her love of butter from eating sticks of it!! (LOL - remember - both my mom & Paula grew up in the south about the same time.) hahahaha. Sick.. I know.. but oh so true.

  7. That's our Ella!!!! Gotta love her!!!! And in reply to Michelle Faith's comment, we've tried the bread-n-buttah thing with Ella - she just licks the butter off the bread!

  8. I LOVE THIS!!!

    Btw, Thanks for the advice. I'm going to have to be really organized as far as my time goes. This is a whole new concept for me!!! We've floated thru the last 11 years at our own pace with the thought "There's always tomorrow" Hoping it's not to shocking on the kids and also that it's not forever!

  9. Ha, ha, ha! Well, maybe her stopping after the 1 bite shows that it wasn't as good as she might have thought. :)

  10. That little stinker! How cute is she???? At LEAST a stick of butter's worth!


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